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Danger Man Filming Locations  [Back to the homepage]

This page identifies some of the locations used during the filming of Danger man. I have added a 'now' shot showing how the locations look today, however sometimes over the years locations have altered - buildings have changed or demolished and so some will never be found. The where-abouts of these locations were obtained from the fantastic A Guide To Avengerland website.

Some of the later episodes filmed at Shepperton Studios use locations within the grounds of the studio, click here to view these.
Time to Kill  [View Episode Details]
Lisa Orin arrives at a border post and introduces herself to John Drake who is also held whilst the border guards search their cars. The border is in reality the Dam on Lake Vyrnwy, North Wales.
Another shot of Drake and his car at the border checkpoint.
Drake's car is stopped at a military check point and is told that he is entering a military zone. The checkpoint is on the road that surrounds Lake Vyrnwy, North Wales (north side). In the background the unusual building is the Pumphouse on the lake.

Website Last Updated 30th August 2017 - View our Disclaimer