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Current guestbook entries:

Name: Joy
Comment: didn't notice it the first time I saw The Man with the Foot, but apparently Drake drove from England to Spain using his 731HOP car, since its license plate is evident (and of course , the car) even if it didn't grab me the first (or maybe even the second) time viewing. Unless he drove from somewhere else, I'm not sure where the opening scene was supposed to have been. Looking up driving time in 1966, that would have taken 3 -4 days. I know it could be done, in fact my family did something similar in 1963, although I'm not sure we took the car on a ferry across the Channel. But the ferry was the shortest part of the journey. Is this an error or could there be an explanation ? If you or anyone knows. Trivia of course but I am curious if anyone knows for sure. Google AI says oh yes, that's what he did but Google AI says what it thinks by putting one string of answers together .
Name: Kenneth Pizzi
Comment: “What Happened to George Foster?” Art imitates life? With the present USAID scandal exposed by the second Trump Administration with millions being abused for dubious causes, such as hundreds of thousands of dollars going towards meals for Syrian terrorists, transgender opera in Columbia, etc., Elon Musk and DOGE, now 60 years later, like Drake, exposing the the rot from the bottom to the top. Food for thought.
Name: Matt Verrilli
Comment: Hi Matt Have you seen the amazing collection of Danger Man production stills that can be found on shutter stock? Many color photos! Would make nice additions to your site. Maybe a page of all the poses color stills of the leading ladies? The candid shots with MacGoohan and the other actors are great too… looks like they had fun filming: Best, Matt
Name: David Jarrett
Comment: Superb series. Quite why I have been a fan of The Prisoner for nearly 40 years but never made the effort to watch Danger Man I do not know.
Name: Susan Bickford
Comment: It's A Great News to Celebrate with you Viewer, I am truly living the life I have been looking for after Dr Kachi made me win my Powerball Lottery Dr Kachi give me a winning numbers to play my ticket that make me win the prize of $223.3 Million Dollars Powerball lottery Tuesday, that changed my life for good today, God bless you Dr Kachi for your kind help also can Email: OR His Text Number Call +1 (209) 893-8075
Name: Joy
Comment: Such a great site. I'd only say I find the Man with the Foot funnier each time I watch it. I don't agree if you haven't seen it you haven't missed much. And also seeing Robert Urquhart in such a different role from his couple of others, really, it is so much fun seeing these various actors and how wonderful they are. Then there is Gomez in this one, who is the same actor (Paul Curren) as the general /revolutionary in Two Birds with One Bullet (if I am remembering correctly) but entirely different in interests and personality. There are other very funny Dangerman/Secret Agent episodes, and always a fair amount of humor, but this one IMO only gets better. The foot just never stops making me laugh. Maybe I just like farce..

Reply from Matt: Thanks for your kind comments!
Name: Robert del Valle
Comment: I truly wish every website devoted to a popular TV series was as good as this one.

Reply from Matt: Thanks for your kind comments!
Name: Baxter Robertson
Comment: Love your site. Thank you. This has been an elusive show to get and one that was always looked forward to by both the younger and older versions of me..

Reply from Matt: Thanks for your kind comments!
Name: Tommy
Comment: Great site. It’s the only I found where I was able to identify which episodes one of my favorite actresses from that period. Susan Hampshire was fantastic in her two very different roles in Danger Man!.

Reply from Matt: Thanks for your kind comments!
Name: Leslie Glen
Comment: Hi Colourised episode of Danger Man. "I'm Afraid You Have The Wrong Number." Key in at YouTube: DANGER MAN COLOURISED I love your website. Best wishes. Leslie Glen.

Reply from Matt: Thanks for your kind comments!
Name: Matt
Comment: Hi Sherry, the episode is called "The Mirror's New"
Name: Sherry Miller
Comment: Which one of the shows used Ravel's "Bolero" in the opening sequence? It was a stunning scene in which the music coordinated perfectly with the online action - the approach to a killing with the heightening tension, ending in the killing itself.
Name: HollyHawks
Comment: Excellent website! Great info and shots.... Thanks for all the wonderful info on McGoohan and the production of this series. .

Reply from Matt: Thanks for your kind comments!
Name: greg
Comment: The One the ONLY Joan Greenwood! Who couldn't bathe in her doulcet tones for hours?? Such a shame she appeared only once in this series; "Paper Chase". An absolute class act!
Name: greg
Comment: Regarding the "Outcast" episode, does anyone know the name of the flamenco dance number that we hear during the scene where Drake picks Leo's wallet? Would that original recording be available on any of the Astley soundtrack CDs?
Name: Steve Flora
Comment: I have the A&E Secret Agent AKA Danger Man "The Complete Collection" of DVDs. Been going through them all and reading your page's write up on each as I do. QUESTION: I have noticed that the order in which the episodes are presented by the A&E collection is all over the place. There do not follow the broadcast or production sequence as far as I can tell. Have any idea why this is the case. Thanks. Again, great work on this site. Steve Flora, Canberra, Australia.
Name: Steve Flora
Comment: Great site ... honoring and preserving the records of a great couple of TV Series (Dangerman/Secret Agent Man and The Prisoner). All your hard work, research and effort with this is greatly appreciated. Hopefully it stays up and is updated from time to time. Let me know if you need any help in curating it. All the Best from Canberra, Australia. Steve Flora..

Reply from Matt: Thanks for your kind comments!
Name: Remi
Comment: Brilliant site about a fantastic series. Watched when I was 14 or so and loved it. Having just rewatched it all I realize the child had good taste in drama. If you like Patrick's work please look out for Hell Drivers (1957) He and Stanley Baker perform brilliantly. .

Reply from Matt: Thanks for your kind comments!
Name: Raúl Cheves
Comment: Es una de las mejores series vistas en mi vida. Buena actuación, buena locación.
Name: Andy Davidson
Comment: Love the Prisoner/Dangerman,Patrick has such screen presence
Name: tim.L
Comment: Sorry for the dumb question earlier. Some more searching shows that Middle East Airlines used the de Haviland Comet 4C, in service from 1958 to 1981. An earlier version of the Comet was the world's first commercial jet airliner. That's all. Thank you for your devotion to this excellent site.
Name: tim.L
Comment: Several episodes begin with a commercial airliner, very distinctive with dual air intakes embedded in the wing. I've looked at photos of airliners from the 50s and 60s, but did not find a match. Does anyone know what it is? (For example, season 3, ep. 7, Judgement Day)
Name: Bob dale
Comment: I was the one who asked about the pole vaulting episodes I thought there were two.
Name: Nick Rippon
Comment: Remember watching Danger Man as a 6 year old boy back in the mid 60’s. Just been catching up with the whole series on YouTube & tracking them down on places like Daily Motion where they are not. A wonderful nostalgic ride.
Name: ikdde
Comment: j'ai adoré cette série
Name: Remi
Comment: What an amazing site! I watched Danger Man when I was a kid and liked it so much more than the other shows at that time. eg The Saint, Avengers, etc. Nothing is new in movies they say but integrity is rare. I'm now re-watching episodes I thought I would never see again and your wonderful site has filled me in with lots of fascinating information. Well done Matt.
Name: AJ
Comment: Hi there, I was wondering if anybody has any information on unproduced Danger Man/The Prisoner s? I ask because I recently discovered I can do a more than passable impression of Patrick McGoohan impression (I'll link a YouTube video below where I use it to considerable effect in a spoken-word cover of the song 'Secret Agent Man'), and I was hoping that I'd be able to adapt some unmade episodes into audio format and share them online.
Name: Ashley
Comment: I first watched Patrick McGoohan in Columbo back in 2014 and I was recently "reintroduced" to him. Ever since I've been diving into his career with Danger Man and The Prisoner quickly becoming my favorites. Thank you for keeping the spirit of the shows and Patrick alive! Be seeing you!
Name: Paul Watson
Comment: I have been a lifelong fan of The Prisoner and although I have been aware of the suggested links with Danger Man, it hasn't been untill I began watching them, that right from from the first 25 min episode filmed in Portmerion, thatI realized how fundamental those links were. I watched 'Colony Three' tonight and saw the New Town spy camp/interrogation centre was called by the inmates 'The Village'. I think that seals the deal!!
Name: John Sheehan
Comment: Can't get enough of this intriguing and sublte (well sometimes) series!86 episodes ! I am on a quest to familiarize myself with them all.Saw one in color for the first time last night ,'Koroshi'. They all are great entertainment and want to look to other Ralph Smart work . Thanks for the website!
Name: Joe Eee
Comment: New fan from The States, watching Danger Man and The Prisoner on Tubi. So much to discover! So many interesting tidbits!
Name: John Young
Comment: love re-visiting these episodes my dad loved them and now I do too. Intrigued by Jason Airways it keeps cropping up in many episodes ...just wondered where the name came from...?
Name: Gary Sponholz
Comment: I have gotten so much enjoyment from this series over the years. It is truly A+.
Name: Robert Philpot
Comment: Once again a visit to this site is greatly appreciated. Please say if a small PayPal donation might encourage you to keep it on line.
Name: Martin Reynolds
Comment: Hi Matt,I was trying to find your contact email on here to no avail.I had one or two suggestions that I wanted to run by you, that may be helpful in keeping the site interesting.Drop me a line if you'd care to.Kind regards.Martin.
Name: Martin Reynolds
Comment: I had a gig with my band a couple of years ago in Portmeirion for the convention.The night before I had stayed at a pub for bed and breakfast.It was called The Pengwern arms at a place calle Ffestiniog.Chatting to locals and telling them I was a big Mcgoohan fan,I was introduced to a senior citizen,I'd guess he was in his mid to late 70's.He told me that when he was a young man he a chauffeur for Pat in that area while he was filming Dangerman.Shockingly,He didn't have many good words for him.He told me that he was extremely rude and arrogant.Not only to him but to members of the staff in the accomodation that he had stayed at.He said that Pat's rudeness to him got to such a point,that he could not take any more of it.He told Mcgoogan to get out of his car,which he apparently did.And that was the end of his job.... I thought it was very interesting to get another perspective on one of my heroes.I guess at the end of the day we all have our flaws even the best of us.
Name: Martin Reynolds
Comment: Great to see the website still up and running after all this time.Keep up the good work Matt!
Name: Tony
Comment: Thank you so much for creating this site. I just completed watching the entire Danger Man/Secret Agent series and love it. I was too young to fully appreciate it in the 1960’s. The cars, camera angles, writers, everything is just perfect.
Name: Donald
Comment: What was the danger man episode where a Chinese agent on a motorcycle tries to shot Drake at the very end of the show.

Reply from Matt: The episode is called "Dangerous Secret".
Name: Rod Marshall
Comment: Wonderful site dedicated to a superb show, both in its half-hour and hour format. Love all the information and the way it is broken up. McGoohan's letter to you brought a tear to my eye.
Name: Martin R
Comment: I haven't paid a visit to this site for a few years.Great to see it is still going strong. Good luck and BCNU!
Name: agutterfan
Comment: Great site, I'm a huge fan of Danger Man from my childhood in the 1960s. Check my blog post on ITC
Name: Malcolm Hamerston
Comment: Great site devoted one of my favourite TV series I watched as a young boy. Still being shown here in Sydney. Well done and thank you.
Name: Eddie Sotto
Comment: I really have enjoyed your site and thank you so much for the hard work it has taken to compile all of this information and organize it. Having an episode list helps when organizing files on this randomized DVD collections! Pat is enigmatic and yet is work is very clear. He lived near me in Pacific Palisades and my friend runs a Santa Monica pub, and would quietly serve him off to his own at the end of the bar. The real "Quiet Man" I had always wanted Bond films to be more intelligent like the books, and Secret Agent does that so well with complex Cold War stories and less gratuitous everything. I made a ringtone from one of the sound clips you have posted, so thanks for that as well! So much rambling, thanks again!
Name: Bruce Creed
Comment: If any UK watchers are interested London Live (Freeview Channel 8) are currently screening "Danger Man" on Tuesdays at 7.30 pm. 07/01/2021
Name: Sam Kronis
Comment: Just started series one, absolutely hooked. I’ve already seen loads of Bond actors and this predates Dr No. Many more to go, looking forward to them all.
Name: Matt Meaney
Comment: I am almost all of the way through watching the 1960 series, but I have a question. I have been watching them in order. I am through May, 1961. Up to now the episodes have had 1960 copyright dates. "Under the Lake" has a copyright date of 1959. Were they filmed and then kept on a shelf for a while before being shown?
Name: Joe McPherson
Comment: This is a treasure of information on the Danger Man Series
Name: Rush Glick
Comment: Thank you so much for maintaining this GREAT site! As a kid I would stay up late watching what I knew as “Secret Agent” reruns on a local Los Angeles TV station.
Name: Martin R
Comment: Great to see the old site is still running better than ever!
Name: Delbert "Dellie Goose" Hutchinson
Comment: I Would Have Secret Agent Collectibles,I Used To Watch That Series Back In The 60's My Dad And Mom Were Alive At The Time,The Only James Bond Movie I Liked With Were Then The Ones With Sean Connery And Daniel Craig,My Mom Didn't Like Roger Moore As James Bond,She Liked Him As The Saint As Well As Liked Pierce Brosnan As Remington Steele,Better Than Bond,I Didn't Like Roger Moore As James Bond,I Liked Him Better As The Saint,Liked Pierce Brosnan Better As Remington Steele I Liked That My Favorite Bonds Are Sean Connery And Daniel Craig.I Like Spies And Private Eyes.Better Than Westerns,I Like Some Westerns And I Like Cop Shows,Spy Shows And I Like Private Detective Shows.
Name: Delbert "Dellie Goose" Hutchinson
Comment: Patrick McGoohan RIP.
Name: Delbert "Dellie Goose" Hutchinson
Comment: Patrick McGoohan RIP.Me And Brian Called David McCluney,David McGoohan And Called Patrick McCluney,Patrick McGoohan.
Name: Delbert "Dellie Goose" Hutchinson
Comment: I Called David McCluney,David McGoohan,I Called Patrick McGoohan,Patrick McCluney Was Grade Behind Me And Brian At Mann Junior High,Me And Brian Called David David McGoohan,And Patrick His Brother Patrick McGoohan,I Seen Him In Scarecrow Of Romney Marsh,As Well As Secret Agent,The Prisoner,Columbo As A Villian,And A Doctor In Rafferty,I Never Watched It Cause I'm In Bed At That Time, Dad,Mom And Patrick McGoohan RIP,Lou Grade And Ralph Smart RIP.I Used To Watch The Series As A Toddler,I Like Spies And Private Eye Shows I Do,I Wear The Fedora And Trenchcoat,Like Spies And Private Detectives Do.I Got Lot Of Spy And Private Eye Collectibles.
Name: Delbert "Dellie Goose" Hutchinson
Comment: I Used To Watch Secret Agent On Saturdays At 8:30 PM On CBS And Channel 7 With My Mom And Dad Who Are Both Deceased,My Dad Died January 27,2006,My Mom Died November 5,2019,Patrick McGoohan Died January 10,2009,I Got A Secret Agent Comic Book,I Like Secret Agent Man Theme,I Am Wearing A Fedora And Trenchcoat Like Patrick McGoohan, On Secret Agent The US Version.
Name: Luann Lewis
Comment: I think John Drake is the classiest Cold War spy. My homage for him:
Name: Alan Collins
Comment: A fantastic website, so much varied and interesting information. I have 2 earlier transmission dates for KOROSHI and SHINDA SHIMA, 19th and 26th February 1967 on ATV London in black & white. Nearly a whole year later they were on ATV Midlands.
Name: Anna
Comment: This is a wonderful website, thanks. So much information. On the Gadgets page, you mention Drake's silly, high tech bed. The episode is not "A Very Dangerous Game," the spy bed shows up in "Someone is Liable to Get Hurt." (as seen on your "Someone is Liable..." episode page.) I am watching it right now.

Reply from Matt: Thanks and well spotted! I have now corrected the mistake.
Name: Harry Buckley
Comment: This website is a great resource! , its nice to see where the real wold locations were. I'm watching Danger man for the first time now, have been a fan of the prisoner for years, the first few episodes in particular make me want to go explore back to north Wales.
Name: Gerhard Lack
Comment: Thank you for this very good site. There is a lot of work behind it.
Name: Keith
Comment: Very much enjoyed your website on the Not So Jolly Roger Dangerman episode, and music used. As a pirate radio and Prisoner fanatic, this is certainly my favourite Dangerman episode as well. Just wanted to point out one thing on the article where you stated: "All offshore radio stations were eventually closed in 1967 when the UK changed the law with regard to radio broadcasting." In fact, the UK original pirate, Radio Caroline, continued to defy the governments of Europe for a further forty years. Ronan O'Rahilly and Patrick McGoohan - what are formidable partnership they would have made!
Name: KIT

Reply from Matt: Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Should be ok now!
Name: The Newman Family
Comment: We have a Danger Man Board Game selling on Ebay, if anyone is interested.

Reply from Matt: Thanks, I didn't see it listed on eBay?
Name: Nancy
Comment: In the episode Sting In The Tail in the scene where Noureddine goes to Drake’s apartment and finds it empty you can see the mic boom briefly in the shot.
Name: agutterfan
Comment: As 2020 would mark the 60th anniversary, any plans by yourselves or others to mark this anniversary?
Name: Luann Lewis
Comment: Love the site... so much info!!! Thanks for taking the trouble to do all of this.
Name: Alice Digsit
Comment: Sorry, my comment was referring to the "New Episode"
Name: Alice Digsit
Comment: Love the site. I hope you can somehow do more episodes. Guess it costs a lot. But good work. In the I did a double-take at the line "Drake's mini skirts..." Funny. But you really capture Drake's terseness well. Bravo.
Name: John Myers, Canada
Comment: Patrick was one of my all time fave actors. Secret Agent Man i loved watching as a kid. My college days, in the late 70's, my English teacher had us watch every episode of the Prisoner during classes over one term and we had to do an assignment and pass a test on the series. Patrick played so many great roles in film over the years. Ice Station Zebra, Kings and Desperate Men, to name a couple. I just became interested in John Drake again because an independent CTV channel has started airing SAM again. Appreciate this site, thanks for the memories and new info. Be seeing you.
Name: Martin Reynolds
Comment: Great to see this site still up and running and as popular as ever.Keep up the good work Matt.BCNU!
Name: David Ryder
Comment: Big fan of Danger Man. Recently got the DVD box set, and have just discovered this site. Great stuff!! Thank you for all the work you've put into it.
Name: Percy
Comment: Love Danger Man, and love this fan site! I think sites like this are so cool, shows real dedication. I only got into Danger Man recently, and have been loving it. The show totally holds up in 2020.
Name: Susan
Comment: Was obsessed with Prisoner in high school while living in oppressive small town; now it's very interesting/enjoyable to watch Danger Man as prelude and on its own merits. Thanks for the site. (Great letter from PM, too; thanks for posting.)
Name: Martin Reynolds
Comment: Not visited for quite a while.Having done so it's very refreshing to see the site still going stronger than ever.With lots of updated information. Best wishes,Martin.
Name: Jonelle
Comment: I have known of Patrick McGoohan for years, mainly due to his appearances on "Columbo". But I recently saw his "appearance" on "The Simpsons", which relied heavily on "The Prisoner" references. Amazingly, an obscure cable TV station just so happened to be running "The Prisoner"! I honestly had no idea what the show was about... but I got hooked and have so far watched about 3/4 of the episodes. I also picked up a used set of the complete "Danger Man/Secret Agent" on DVD and am HOOKED on that series as well! I never knew McGoohan was so good looking! I only knew of him older, often be-speckled and bearded. I am a woman who rarely finds male actors handsome... but I can now add McGoohan to my exclusive list! As usual, when I become interested in someone/something new, I try to learn as much as possible on the subject. And, as usual, it looks like I chose one that has limited info available! So when I found this website and all of the GREAT PDF files, I took two sit-down sessions to read every article. So THANK YOU for this website! And for helping me learn about such a great actor!
Name: Teresa
Comment: Thanks so much for providing this site!! I loved the "cold war" programming of the 60s as a child and enjoy it even more now.
Name: Larry from NJ
Comment: I remember this show as Secret Agent from the 1960's. However I never watched it. I've just started viewing it as Danger Man on Amazon. I'm totally hooked and can't stop. John Drake is without a doubt the coolest most sophisticated character of all the "spies" from the 1960's. Thank you Patrick McGoohan for making Drake a real human being, not a James Bond clone. It was McGoohan who insisted on not using a gun and no weekly sexual encounters. Despite the lack of romance, I find it to be very sexy. The actresses are beautiful and it allows the viewers to use their imagination. That being said, Danger Man may be the first show to have strong female characters. Quite a number of episodes have women in charge or as pivotal to the plot. Bravo to all who created this wonderful television series. I do have a question. Why was Drake's character changed from an American agent in the half hour series to a British agent in the hour long series ? I'm hoping someone has the answer. Thank you.
Name: Richard
Comment: Superb work! I especially enjoy the details and pictures on danger man filming locations. This is certainly one of the few intemporal jewels of 60s television. It still has a lot of interest, despite (and perhaps also BECAUSE OF) its somewhat dated character. It is everything James Bond could have been if McGoohan had been less of a puritan in matters of women and sexuality... The reluctant relationships John Drake and Number 6 has with all the women he encounters is the only serioys drawback I have with these TV series. And, of course, for all McGoohan fans (which I have been ever since I was watching "Danger Man" on TV back in the early 60s, this website is a must. I have an interesting bit of trivia I have discovered and that I have been unable to confirm from the www. In the prelude section of the 1961 episode "The Relaxed Informer", check carefully the kids who are watching a puppet show in the street. We briefly see three young children laughing while watching the puppeteer maneuvering the puppet character that we see later on during the episode. Well, the girl on the right must be none other than Angela Cartwright, the famous child actor who played roles in The Sound of Music and the TV series Lost in Space. She looks a lot like her older sister, Veronica, and she would have been at the right age in 1961 (9-yr old). She was very active as a child actor, mostly in American TV series and one cannot miss her for another, except Veronica, but the latter would have been 12 at the time, while the girl we see looks quite younger than that. I checked for uncredited appearances in the 60s but her presence in any Danger Man episode has not been reported anywhere. I'd be glad to hear from anybody who watched the " Relaxed Informer" - but I'm positive: that's Angela Cartwright. It makes sense, although Angela, who was born in England, did not do much work in the UK.
Name: Gazza
Comment: I’ve only just started watching Danger Man and so far I’m finding it really enjoyable. I first watched The Prisoner a few years ago and found it absolutely wonderful, so different from anything that seems to have come before it. And it was The Prisoner which lead me to Danger Man. Unfortunately, though, I thought I’d be watching the complete series of Danger Man from beginning to end. But I somehow I got confused when purchasing my box set, only to find out later that it covers Danger Man from Series 2, which are the 50 minutes episodes of the show. Nevertheless, I’m sure I’ll return to Series 1 at some later date. I must say that this is a terrific website. I certainly love the fact that so much information is at one’s fingertips. There are lists of the actors for each episode; times and dates of its first transmission and, in particular, I love the film locations and how they are displayed side by side. This means you can instantly see changes that have taken place over the years since Danger Man was filmed. Looking at this, I was amazed at just how many of the earlier episodes were film around Wales. And of course Portmeirion, which appears in Danger Man, was later used as the principal location for The Prisoner. One thing I was looking for on the site was a list of ‘favourite’ episodes from the series. These things aren’t scientific or anything, but it would be good to see a list, so visitors to the website could tick (or star) their top episodes. In fact you could have more than one list: a list for the series as a whole and rankings for each of the separate series. Perhaps it is something you may consider in the future. Anyhow, it is a wonderful website that I’ve very much enjoyed visiting and finding out more about this fascinating series.
Name: Damien from Canada
Comment: The natural comparison is to James Bond. James Bond plays only one kind of character- a spy. John Drake has portrayed a butler, travel agent, spy, even a radio dj, and the list goes on. A much more complex character. These episodes are timeless.
Name: Graeme Cree
Comment: Was looking at your Portmeirion page, and noticed one oddity worth mentioning. The same shot that you show as being from "The Honeymooners" was ALSO used in "The Journey Ends Halfway".
Name: Jack Hirschman
Comment: Hi: Just thought your members in the U.S. might want to know that the Prisoner TV show will be aired on 6/9/19 on the Comet TV network. Be seeing you! Jack Hirschman
Name: Bill
Comment: Further to Gina's question: I love the version of She's Not There in Sting in the Tail but have been unable to find a recording of it (I assume rights to the original song are an issue). I found an Italian version of the song on You Tube and what sound like an uncredited French version, but with a male vocal. I'd love to get the actual song.
Name: Gina
Comment: In one of the episodes of Danger Man John Drake goes into a club and the house band wit a girl singer is playing a french version of the Zombies hit, "She's not there." Does anyone know the name of that episode? Regards, Gina

Reply from Matt: I believe the episode is "Sting in the tail" click here for more details.
Name: Dean James
Comment: I lived for this show when it ran as Secret Agent in the US. John Drake's wit, cool, & charisma saw me through much early adolescent angst. Later, The Prisoner flipped me out & did much to help shape my _very_ cautious views of the institutions of the world. Many thanks to you for this site & of course, to Mr McGoohan.
Name: Betsy
Comment: Just wanted to thank you for all the effort put into this site. Love being able to look at the episode guide, as well as everything else.
Name: Gabe
Comment: In the “On Location” section, the initial opening sequence is omitted: a modern office building in fg, with the U.S. Capitol in the bg. Then, a scene where Drake comes out of a building, gets in his car and dtives off. The sequence seems to suggest that he is coming out of the building in the first shot, but I can’t figure out (from using Google Earth, etc.) where that is. Could be that the opening shot is stock photography of Washington, and that the second shot is filmed somewhere in London. Anyone have any info?
Name: Gabe
Comment: In the “On Location” section, the initial opening sequence is omitted: a modern office building in fg, with the U.S. Capitol in the bg. Then, a scene where Drake comes out of a building, gets in his car and dtives off. The sequence seems to suggest that he is coming out of the building in the first shot, but I can’t figure out (from using Google Earth, etc.) where that is. Could be that the opening shot is stock photography of Washington, and that the second shot is filmed somewhere in London. Anyone have any info?
Name: Pamela
Comment: This is a wonderful show that I came to late in life. I know that it must have been watched in my house when I was a little girl, but I have no memories of it outside of the Johnny Rivers opening. It encompasses the best of the secret agent genre, John Drake the best of the agents. I am delighted to find a site where someone has captured the show and the magic.
Name: Jon Garnant
Comment: absolutely fabulous site. Thank you so very much for the tremendous effort. Especially like the episode guides and they download MP3s Jg
Name: Jonathan
Comment: Great job. Thank you for this labor of love.
Name: Sarah
Comment: I love Patrick McGoohan, I remember when I was a child, with "Danger Man" and "The Prisoner". The famous actor of the series, the musics, all it's to me a so good enchantment. "Mio amor Sta lontano"....but for ever in my heart.
Name: Scott H.
Comment: I remember watching this show when I was 6 or 7. In my market, it was broadcast on early Saturday afternoons. What stuck with me all these years was the music, especially the great harpsichord reeks of '60's cool! For its time, this show was much more realistic than it contemporaries, and that's why it still holds up when other spy shows, like MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. and I SPY, are tough to sit through as an adult in my late 50's. This is a great site, too.
Name: Bill B.
Comment: At a young age I was captivated and rapidly became a devout viewer of “Secret Agent”. I am uncertain which season I first saw in the United States and look forward to pouring over all of this material. I was devastated when I learned that the last episode was about to air. Although I have only seen the “last” episode once, and it must be 53 or 54 years ago, I remember the black and white scenes clearly with ocean waves crashing on a coastal setting, with the customary music that always accompanied the show coming out of the first early commercial. You can imagine how thrilled I was to later find that Mr McGoohan was appearing in a new show, “The Prisoner.” Yesterday on one of the secondary channels of a local broadcast station I saw the advert picture of Mr McGoohan for Danger Man, and when I tuned in heard the unmistakable jingle and bumper music of Secret Agent. I had not known that its authentic title was Danger Man. This is a young boy’s dream come true, I look forward to viewing additional episodes of the show and reading information and trivia about my first favorite TV show. Thank you.
Name: Bill Stirling
Comment: I must say this is great site - well researched and put together with obvious passion. Congratulations on maintaining a unique resource. However I'm very irritated by the huge amount of spelling errors, bad punctuation, words written twice and poor phrasing. I can't understand how this otherwise useful site has been going so long without all these mistakes having been corrected. Most pages have them. Please let me know if I can help by highlighting many if not all of them. These errors really spoil the site. They need fixing. Sept. 2018
Name: David
Comment: This is a fantastic resource! I arrange for an ensemble. Is it possible that I could have a copy of the sheet music for The Prisoner theme? Thank you!
Name: Peter W
Comment: I note, with some regret, that the link for the forum is nonfunctional. I have long hoped there may exist some social media platform wherein DM episodes might be discussed along with thoughts on McGoohan the man/actor/director/(visionary) and comparative analysis with reference to 'The Prisoner'.
Name: J Blade
Comment: Having just watched the second and third series of Danger Man, I found this website. Maximum commendation for such a well researched and extensive insight into this show [one of the many great ITC shows produced]. Clearly a labour of love and methodology, I hope others feel as strongly about the unpaid hard work you have dedicated to this goldmine of information and observation relating to Danger Man. This is a site well worth coming back to time and again [and is a lot more enjoyable than my old ITC book]. Thanks and well done!
Name: Mr. D Schubmehl
Comment: Some time ago I wrote saying how Not so jolly Roger Roger was one of favourite episodes, and how I have managed to obtain an A copy of the record Mio amore sta lontano by Angelique, also acquired a copy of He Who Rides A Tiger, by Patsy Ann Noble in excellent condition, just wondering if other fans have had the same luck.
Name: Lady Lagg
Comment: I've named my own Mini Cooper S "Number 6" in homage to Patrick The Prisoner, and of course, Danger Man.
Name: Eric
Comment: I saw the "conspirators" from season one today. I would swear the pub was portmerion. I beautiful website with everything anyone would want to know about Danger man
Name: Gerry
Comment: To this day I still believe Danger Man is the best Television series ever produced. First saw the episodes of both half hour and hour series shown here in Canada back in the sixties. It's wonderful having the DVD's to watch. Going through the series once again. Thanks for this site. So much wonderful information and photos. Great work
Name: John Harper
Comment: I was drawn back to your excellent site by the announcement of the model of Drakes Mini Cooper S - I am also a lifelong classic car fan and watched Danger Man when it was first screeened. On your page about the model cars, which are excellently reproduced with boxes just as they might have been back in the day (Corgis’ “Saint” Volvo, 007 Aston, Batmobile etc) I see a grey Austin Healey model is described as the car used in the opening sequence of the original series. You describe the car in “The Basics” as a sleek white sports car”. The car used was in fact a white Mercedes SL and not a grey Healey.
Name: Delbert "Dellie Goose" Hutchinson
Comment: I Used To Watch Secret Agent With My Mom And Late Dad. A Long Time Ago.When I Was A Toddler On Friday At 7:30 PM It Compieted With Dick Tracy And Blue Light On ABC As Well As Daniel Boone On NBC.
Name: Robby Black
Comment: Fantastic job here, Matt! As I'm presently building a fan-site for a TV show from the states (which I won't plug), I know the labour of love, time and effort you went through in building this excellent site. I do want to mention that "they have medicine for that," in case you're wondering. Seriously, DM is one of the best scripted shows ever on TV and certainly this site is a classy complement to those long-ago superior efforts that shame most productions today. I watch my DVDs every year to keep my writing chops up. Cheers and thank you for this
Name: Boekanier
Comment: Great series! Nice work, thanks!
Name: A C Gyngel
Comment: just looking around the net for books really
Name: David Anthony
Comment: Danger Man in both its formats, remains today one of the greatest television series. The late Ralph Smart was a friend of mine during the last eight years of his life. Sections of my taped interviews with Ralph are extras on Madman Entertainment's DVD box set "Danger Man: The Complete 1964-66 Series". Ralph reckoned the film Bush Christmas and Danger Man were his greatest achievements. I agree, though he had produced a brilliant body of work in film and television. He was a true pioneer of television.
Name: Anrai
Comment: Great site. Well put together. An uncredited Mark Lester (who played" "Oliver" in the film musical) appears in the beginning of SOMEONE IS LIABLE TO GET HURT"
Name: Federico
Comment: I'm a big fan of Danger Man and The Prisioner as well, I find these series so interesting. Patrick is a great actor and the scenarios, the B&W athmosfera, the stories, are so distinctive. And, of course, the Grand Finale, The Prisioner, colorfull and psicodelic, the fight for freedom with The Beatles´s music. Once I watch an episode I forget about the present time I travel backwards almost like If were taking part of the story. Now I will enjoy the site. My kind regards Comrades!
Name: Trini TS
Comment: Looking at re runs of Dangerman. I'm seeing the episodes for the first time-mostly black/white. Very good writers and directors and of course,loving Patrick McGoohan! The stories are excellent and keep you glued to the end -you must listen carefully to follow (unlike many modern shows). Keep up the good work of this website.
Name: Doug Fields
Comment: "NOT SO JOLLY ROGER". I need a list of all songs and artists played on this episode please. Thank you.

Reply from Matt: I have a whole page dedicated to my favorite episode "Not so Jolly Roger". Click here for more details.
Name: Martin Reynolds
Comment: Hi Mathew,been a few years since I contacted you.I can't see an email so I have posted on here instead.I was watching this episode clled a man to be trusted and I noticed this brief clip that i wondered if it could be an episode that we have missed that was filmed at Portmeirion.See what you think.Best Regards:
Name: Nigel Connors
Comment: Watching series one episode 9 " The Sanctuary" I recognised the supposed Scottish castle, home of the Crawford's, as Knebworth House, Herts.
Name: Delbert "Dellie Goose" Hutchinson
Comment: I Used To Watch Secret Agent With My Mom And Late Dad Who He Was Alive At The Time In The 1960's. I Watched That On Tuesday At 7:30 PM On CBS And KIRO-TV Channel 7 In Seattle On December 28,1965 When I Was 16 Days Old The Episode English Lady Takes Lodgers. I Would Get That On DVD. With The Johnny Rivers Theme Song. In The Opening And Closing Credits.Patrick McGoohan Has Best Theme Songs. I Called Patrick McCluney Patrick McGoohan.I Called David McCluney David McGoohan.As Well As Mr.Eide Roger Mudd Years Ago.And Called Mr.Dennis Dennis Weaver.Todays TV Is Not Really Good. I Liked It Way Back Then. Better Than The Junk They Show.I Seen Patrick McGoohan In The Three Lives Of Thomasina. I Got Secret Agent Comic Book. I Sang Along With Theme Song Secret Agent Man By Johnny Rivers. I Still Sing Title Secret Agent Man. I See That On YouTube My Mom And Dad Loved Spy Shows And They Did. James Bond,The Man From U.N.C.L.E.,Secret Agent,I Spy,Get Smart,Mission:Impossible,It Takes A Thief,Danger Man,Our Man Flint,Matt Helm Movies,Alias,I Like Private Detective Shows And Cop Shows. I Like To Go After Criminals with developmental disabilities. I Like Comedies And Romance As Well As Cop Shows,Spy Shows And Private Detective Shows. Better Than Westerns.
Name: Chris GULYAS (Number 115)
Comment: Greetings from a big Prisoner fan. I have the answer to the long asked question.."Is John Drake #6?" The answer lies in 1 photograph of John Drake...he wears a tan / grey suit / sportscoat in this photo. This same photo is used in The Prisoner series. Therefore, if John Drake is in this photo used in Danger Man and the exact same photo is used in The Prisoner....and the same photo was used in Drake's ID Card / Number 6's punch card (which was X'd out)...then John Drake IS Number 6. How else could 1 person have 1 photo and it is used for 2 characters? Hope you will answer this....BCNU!
Name: Chris GULYAS (Number 115)
Comment: Greetings from a big Prisoner fan. I have the answer to the long asked question.."Is John Drake #6?" The answer lies in 1 photograph of John Drake...he wears a tan / grey suit / sportscoat in this photo. This same photo is used in The Prisoner series. Therefore, if John Drake is in this photo used in Danger Man and the exact same photo is used in The Prisoner....and the same photo was used in Drake's ID Card / Number 6's punch card (which was X'd out)...then John Drake IS Number 6. How else could 1 person have 1 photo and it is used for 2 characters? Hope you will answer this....BCNU!
Name: Stan S.
Comment: Just purchased DVD collection and came across this website. Excellent background info. I remember watching Secret Agent as a kid, these dvds bring back nice memories. I didn't understand about the Cold War and politics back then, now these shows are more enjoyable. Thanks.
Name: Gary A Lucas
Comment: Nice wwebsite! I found it from the Prisoner group on Facebook. I'm an old fan (60 something). I had no idea that 6 Danger Man episodes were filmed at Portmeirion. I've also recently learned that the rock band XTC also filmed at least 2 music videos there as well. bests
Name: Helen Weathers
Comment: Nice website, and am glad to find clarification on which episodes were filmed in Portmeirion. I knew there were a few.
Name: Martin Reynolds
Comment: Keep up the good work Matt.BCNU!
Name: David schubmehl
Comment: Thanks Matt for that interesting reply,i had a feeling that there were not many copies of mio amore sta lontano,by angelique about because I was looking for 2 years for a copy to me it reflects the 1960s very well, with the bonus being it was used on the episode not so jolly roger,and others,my copy is the advanced Pye copy,i am pleased to say. I think you were extremely lucky to buy a copy, quite surprised fans of, not so jolly roger are not keen to find a copy, maybe other Danger man fans can give me their opinion .many thanks
Name: David schubmehl
Comment: I have been a life long fan of Danger man,and watched the programme when it was fist broadcast,recently I had a chance to buy in mint condition mio amore star lontano, Angelique on an A label Pye, is this a rare record, maybe someone might let know Regards.

Reply from Matt: The Angelique single is not common as few copies were pressed as it was not a hit. However it's not in that much demand and when it does surface on eBay it sells for under £10. I found my copy in Norwich record shop "Out of time".
Name: Gary George
Comment: What a great website.Matt seems to know just about evrything about the series.Any kid growing up in the 60s in England couldn't fail to be mesmorised by the completely "cool" John Drake ( an expression not in existence at the time, not at least as it is used today)Got the boxed set of all the longer episodes, and was greatly interested in one episode with a great looking triumph cafe racer (using your website found it again its (Deadly Secret)on which a evil assasin tried to bump off our john with a shotgun.Being into classic motorcycles, I took a snapshot of the bike and rider and sent it to "classic bike magazine" published by bauer media in the UK.They found the bloke who did the stunt riding and even did an interview with him about the series! Great stuff. I gave the boxed set to my mum and lost my copy.When mum died I got them back but was going bonkers trying to find the scene again.Thanks to your website I found it again!! One other scene I cant find you might be able to help on: in one african setting john drake pole vaults through the window of some offices...cant find that either.Any ides? Thanks for all the hard work

Reply from Matt: The episode is called "The Mercenaries", Drake pole-vaults through the windows of a hospital (in reality a building at the MGM Studios in Borehamwood) in order to stop an operation on the Prime Minister.
Name: Raymond Roth
Comment: Exciting website! Long been a fan of the Danger Man series so it was a genuine pleasure to discover this remarkable mine of information. My work as a therapist often involves helping people deal with issues surrounding anger control. To illustrate a way of more effectively handling these often powerful feelings I often describe a restaurant scene where our hero is severely provoked by two foreign agents who roughly bump into him and knock into his table while trying to eat and violently him him across the face in a vain attempt to get Danger Man to retaliate so the foreign power have an excuse to arrest and ultimately eliminate him. Our man, of course,keeps his cool and the 'baddies' give up and leave. I'd love to refresh my memory and watch this episode again but have no idea as to the title of the episode or in which series this appeared. Can anyone out there help me out? Would really appreciate some help! Thanks.

Reply from Matt: The episode is called "Bury the dead".
Name: Airton
Comment: This show is fenomenal.É the predecessor of James Bond. However, I have found no subtitles in Portuguese (Brazil), as well as the series subtitled in Portuguese (Brazil) or even to English via Google translation editing. Could someone tell me how I can get the translated movies, or subtitled? I thank you. Hugs.
Name: Steve H Hakes
Comment: Watched this in Australia in the sixties. Currently rewatching on youtube. Drake made a good hero. Pity so few episodes were made.
Name: Richard Milbourn
Comment: This is a SUPER site. I remember SO many of the episodes. However, I need some help... I SEEM to remember an episode where John Drake had to befriend a lonely, quiet shopkeeper. I seem to remember John putting on round glass and assuming a very timid persona. I also seem to remember John looking sad when the man expressed gladness about their friendship. Am i making this up?
Name: simon parkes
Comment: my mother got our first TV ( black and white) in 1965, together we watched all of the first series of hour long shows and the second series. My mother worked for the Domestic (British)Security Service = BSS,(mi5)but was in fact working for the National Security Agency of America, she said that " John Drake" was the quintessential personification of a domestic agent" (although of course he travelled via the cover of World Travel ltd. My Grandfather who worked for the Secret Intelligence Service = SiS (mi6)but was in fact reporting to the CIA, much preferred Richard Bradford's role as "Man in a Suitcase". Often he and my mother would argue as to which was the best role model for me ( I had no farther, he having left when I was about one year old - mother never re-married). My Mother won the argument saying that Richards role was to mercenary and presented bad values. So John Drake it was ! And very glad I was. while some gadgets which were used on set were not possible, others were modelled on real devices present at the time, George Marksteine a personal friend of Pat, helped with some background as he had been employed in British intelligence, of course later going on to assist Pat with the concept of The Prisoner. For me the great shame was Lew Grade falling out with Pat, and contrary to the accepted view I know that Lew made it impossible for Pat to work in this country, forcing a move to the US. I met Pat as a young boy in a London Hotel in 1967 when my Grandfather took me to a reception being held, although I don't know if it was to celebrate the Danger man series or to promote Everyman Films venture with the Prisoner. In later life I was able to use connections to get a Danger man photo signed by Pat as I had lost the original I had been presented with. As far as I am concerned Pat was a wonderful fine actor, the best ! who took the TV and film to the next level. Men and women in the service within the UK all identified with the role he played so well, where as, they just laughed at the role of John Steed of Avengers fame ( but not Emma Peel, I hasten to add !) Thank you for making this wonderful website which I have only just come across by chance, its a very real way to celebrate a great actor, who was never allowed to go the full distance.
Name: Martin Reynolds
Comment: Great to see the site still so popular,I haven't visited for a few years.Keep up the good work!
Name: Karen Marshall
Comment: I have been watching all of the Danger Man episodes again for the first time in years! I have several favorite episodes...The Blue Veil....Colony Three....Are You Going To Be More Permanent?...and No Marks For Servility are some of's very difficult to pick favorites because they are all special in their own way. I have always been attracted to Patrick McGoohan and Danger Man and The Prisoner. Patrick was a hardworking actor who made us believe that he WAS John Drake every week. I've done a lot of reading about him, and found some lovely stories as well as some not so happy stories. It goes to show that none of us are perfect, but he had a way of making us want to go along with him...we believed that he would choose the right matter what the consequences might have been for him. We lost a tremendous talented man in 2009...long may his Danger Man and The Prisoner television shows remain available ! Thank you for your dedication in gathering this fantastic collection of information and photographs! Be Seeing You!
Name: John Wolfenden
Comment: I used to have a copy of "Trouble in Turkey" but I lost it years ago in a house move. I see you have the cover on your site, but I was wondering if it would be possible in any way for you to post the whole comic on your site so it could be downloaded. This particular comic has real nostalgic memories for me.
Comment: The series was a great precursor to The Prisoner and the original 1/2 hour episodes stack up well.By the way incredibly I actually have our (the family's)original Danger Man board game boxed from 1960 complete with instruction sheet! For years I have never seen another one or any reference to it until today (30-4-16) on this website! We never played it because it was deemed to complicated!
Name: Peter W
Comment: I often find myself speculating on what John Drake/No. 6/Patrick McGoohan would have made of contemporary politics and whether he would have felt an affinity with any particular strand. McGoohan is certainly of a type that has largely disappeared: a humanitarian; a devout Christian; a patriot, though not a nationalist; one who appreciates other cultures but not a multiculturalist. His other attributes are a less easy for a formal translation: I would say he's conservative inasmuch as being anti-statist (cf. the tagline of 'The Prisoner') and pro-individualist. I would say certainly not a socialist but liberal insasmuch as accepting even upholding the free choice of people who feel that liberty is a price worth paying for the notional social justice of redistributive socialism/Marxism. Possibly a classical liberal or a liberal conservative. However, above all, he was a man of conscience.
Name: Airton Sampaio
Comment: I have always followed in my earlier youth, episodes of the series Danger Man with Patrick McGoohan, who at that time were part of the program on the flat in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The series was voiced (subtitled?). I would like to get voiced or subtitled collection in Portuguese (Brazilian-BR). Someone could help me. Thank, Airton
Name: Michael Oliver
Comment: I knew Patrick McGoohan's sister Patricia very well. Sadly she passed away in the 1990's. She was Head of Art at St Marks RC School on the Bath Road Hounslow. Her and Patrick grew up in Sheffield. Patrick frequently use to acknowledge that it was his sister who encourage him into acting. His first "part" was in "The Dambusters" as a door guard when Barnes Wallace met government officials behind closed doors. Patrick never forgot his roots and family despite moving to Los Angeles and often came "home" to see family and friends. He NEVER forgot birthdays. I met him several times and found him to be one of the most polite congenial men that I have ever met. An absolute gentleman. Greatly missed.
Name: Joe Buddah
Comment: I bought the Secret Agent aka Dangerman the complete collection boxset from Amazon, if it wasn't for this website, I would've never known they were out of order. Great website by the way.
Name: Chuck
Comment: Does anybody know which dvd set has the U.S opening and closing,with Johnny Rivers.? Great Site! Thanks Chuck
Name: john cockrill
Comment: Re comment on Sting in the Tail I know Virginia Astley and I doubt she was dating a member of the Zombies as she was only 6 years old at the time this was made!
Name: James Jordan
Comment: The only decent website for Danger Man fans. Good work. I have fond memories as well watching John Drake. I also have the UK (Thorpe & Porter) comic issue No.1 "Trouble in Turkey" in very good condition. I thought I would have a quick browse on the internet and guess what, your site is the only one I can find that mentions this No.1 UK comic. Mile High comics (US) list the Manchester World Distributors Danger Man HC Annual (1965/6) but does not list Thorpe & Porters No.1 (neither does the mighty Heritage Auctions or My Comic Shop or Comic Connect and many others). I guess this means that hardly any copies of the UK No.1 has survived. If any one has any more info on the UK No.1 'Trouble in Turkey' please let me know. James.
Name: Karen Marshall
Comment: Thank you for the time and effort on this fantastic website! I was a child in the early 60's and developed quite a crush on Patrick McGoohan. I too was mesmerized by his portrayal of John Drake, The Prisoner and later many other movie and television characters. I wish that I had been able to tell Mr McGoohan how much I admired the hard work he put into his Danger Man and Prisoner tv shows...and all of the folks that worked on these ground breaking shows. The scenery, production values, story lines. s and just everything allowed me to escape into John Drake's world for an hour of excitement and intrique. My favorite episode is "No Marks for Servility" because of the phychological aspect of John Drake struggling to keep cool when he wanted to spring into he was so handsome in the butler's uniform! Thanks again for this website...Be Seeing You!
Name: Graeme
Comment: In the opening credits of the first series a Morris Minor drives past behind Drake's car. It must have been the only one in Washington!
Name: Graeme
Comment: In the opening credits of the first series a Moris Minor drives past behind Drake's car. It must have been the only one in Washington!
Name: Lisa Sargent
Comment: Just come back from the Prisoner walk around London. Great people who are dedicated to the memory of two great shows. I only started watching Danger Man a year or so ago, but The Prisoner has been in my blood since Channel 5 VHS tapes were available.
Name: Peter W
Comment: Great website for -perhaps- the best of all 'action TV' output of the 60s. I used to think The Avengers (Rigg-era B&W) was the ultimate. But having had a chance to finally see DM on a certain internet site, I have had to revise my conclusion. Perhaps I was swayed by having been allowed to watch the occasional adventure of Emma and Steed but not a single one of John Drake's. Interesting that you favour 'The Not So Jolly Roger' as the best episode. Interesting too to note that the haunting theme 'Mi Amore Sta Lontano' which appears in that EP and at least one other, was written by Rod Argent.
Name: Phil.H.
Comment: ...I've just sat and rewatched "The Key" and "View from the villa"... Fantastic,the perfect way to pass a Sunday boring life would be without John Drake to bring some proper excitement into it!
Name: Simon Toomey
Comment: Hello I have been watching Danger Man for quite some time now. It takes me back to my childhood back in the 1960s I always liked Patrick Mcgoohan, I recently watched him in Braveheart, Another one was the Jamacan inn I found him to be a vary good actor and enjoyable to watch.
Name: U.N. Owen
Comment: I love this site - and check in every few months. I applaud the amount of information here, and the (beautiful!) colour pictures, etc., which are here. I just had a (little) fright - I just came back from lunch (slightly knackered), and came to - what I initially thought - was this site - for sale (!!!). I was honestly upset, because I can only imagine the effort, the hours, etc., which have been used in creating this repository, and I know how much I love this series, I can only imagine how much Matt - the site's curator, and builder - has expended. I'll send a note to matt, but, I really think it only fair to contribute something - whatever one can possibly afford - to help sustain Danger Man. For now, let just say 'thank you,' to Matt for being here - and all that IS here I come here, and as soon as I see the series' iconic 'Danger Man' (in colour, nonetheless!), I'm instantly sent backwards, to place and time, and for this, I'm very greatful.
Comment: Interesting site. Thank you for this information and be seeing you!!! Anyone have any knowledge of the series Rafferty? Anyone have copies of the episodes? IF also, please let me know -!
Name: joão B. Ferr
Comment: My name is John B. Ferr, I'm from Brazil, São Paulo, capital, 70 years old and I am screenwriter. In order to know a little about the level of my admiration with the films of Mr. McGoohan, advance that since 1960 when I was a teenager, and had around 15 years, watching Danger Man series. And not watched the handset Current TV, not widescreen, 42-inch, and LED. They were the old TVs; black and white, square and curved corners. But they had the essential: Danger Man series. When no longer broadcast the series, I started to watch his new: The Prisoner (where am I?) Transmitted to Brazil by a cable TV Globo News. And since then I have attended all of Patrick McGoohan. For DVD, YouTube and also more rarely on cable TV. But at the time, young teenager, I was so influenced by the actions of Mr. McGoohan in the personification of John Drake entirely copied. His manner of speaking, gesturing, his vocal intonation, everything I copied. And I recorded in my mind his presentation at the opening of Danger Man series in Malibu road, he came across the street, â night crossing toward his car, walked in while off, his narrative saying: “Every government has it’s secret service branch. America CIA, France Deuxieme bureau. England MI5. Nato also has it’s on. A messy job, that’s when they usually call on me. Or someone like me. O yes, my name is Drake. John Drake.” Those were the days, and today sometimes watch it through the videos that I have written, or at YouTube or DVD. If you need any of the films please inform me. Well that's it folks, I would like to accept me in the group. Be seeing you John B Ferr
Name: Nick LoGrasso
Comment: I absolutely love this webiste, thank you so much. Danger Man is one of my favorite shows ever and Pat McGoohan one of my favorite actors ever. Though I am not of the persuasion that believes Drake is Number Six (different cars, houses, superiors, and personalities) I do find this a marvelous series and must see viewing if you like and appreciate The Prisoner
Name: Thomas Drue Hightower Jr
Comment: I was 7 years old when this was on TV,was turned on to Danger Man AKA Secert Agent Man,about 2 years ago,I bought the Danger Man DVD collection,realy enjoy the box set.To me black & white,one or myself us your im
Name: Lyndon Davies
Comment: I still love Dangerman. Why not produce an updated remake?
Name: Jason Whiton
Comment: One of my favorite websites! Thank you for your great research and artifacts. -Jason (SPY VIBE)
Name: John Ty
Comment: Still a great web site, i watch them over and over again,funny seeing Bernard Lee (M) in episodes as well as Miss Moneypenny and others from the Bond films. Well missed, but will live on. John.
Name: T. Verratti
Comment: Wanted to say thanks for this well-researched site -- I recently watched and wrote about _The Prisoner_ on my blog and your fantastic Danger Man/Prisoner crossover page was a big help and inspiration. And of course this steered me to your sister site on _Prisoner_ fans as well! Be seeing you -- thom
Name: Dick Lochte
Comment: Great web site, full of fascinating info. Danger Man was, and still is, one of my favorites. I was lucky enough to see Mr. McGoohan every so often in the cocktail area of a Belgian restaurant in Santa Monica, CA where he and several British actors would congregate when they were in town and/or between assignments.
Name: Dave 58
Name: Dave 58
Name: Allan Cerf
Comment: Thanks for putting together what was obviously a labor of love. Tremendous!
Name: T. Bradley Tucker
Comment: Thanks for putting together this excellent site! It's a great resource for us hardcore fans!
Name: herrmannfan
Comment: Thanks for this great, professional, informative website. I first heard of Patrick McGoohan when I saw him on DVD in the Columbo episode “By the Dawn’s Early Light,” and I thought he was a fascinating actor to watch. When I read more about him, people kept referencing some old show called The Prisoner. I purchased the DVD set and got hooked on that AWESOME show. THEN I kept reading that people wondered whether The Prisoner was actually John Drake from a show called Danger Man, aka Secret Agent. What were they talking about? So that led me to this series. I’ve watched all the episodes now except for the last three or four—it will be kind of sad for me once I’ve seen them all, but I’ll just have to start through them again! Danger Man was a really great show with high-quality acting and writing and production values, and I think that’s largely due to McGoohan’s high standards—it’s surprising to me that you just don’t hear much about the show when you hear about 1960s TV (at least, not here in the States). As I’ve watched the shows and had questions, I’ve repeatedly scoured this site for information. Thanks so much for putting it together and being a part of my Patrick McGoohan journey!
Name: Michael Jaffe
Comment: My Grandfather Mr. Carl Heinz Jaffe guested as the ill fated Professor Barkoff in the opening sequence of S1, E4; "Time to Kill" - I only discovered this quite recently while continuing my research into CHJ's prolific stage/film/tv/radio career that spanned 6 decades from 1920s in his native Germany until his passing in London 1974. Any surviving cast members (that's a very long shot... excuse the pun) who may have known him are welcome to contact me.
Name: T Bowman
Comment: I just recently "discovered" Danger Man. The series has excellent, well thought-out s and the black & white photography is beautiful. It is also a connection with my past... no, I was never a Secret Agent... but I grew up with this TV Series as one of the Backdrops of my Youth. This website is EXTREMELY well done and it deserves to be a part of a Great Internet Museum. Keep up the OUTSTANDING work.
Name: Jon Cervini (Melbourne, Australia)
Comment: I only really discovered Dangerman a couple of years ago since it was back on free to air Telly as a result of digital television. I used to see in the television program "Dangerman" and I start watching and really enjoyed the series. I even bought the Series 2 DVDs. I also bought the "Prisoner" series too.
Name: Maurice
Comment: Here in Western Australia, a free-to-air TV station is playing Danger Man episodes four times each week. (Two episodes, both repeated on later dates). Back in the mid or late 60's I thought that Danger Man was my favourite show but now I know that the episodes I actually saw were just scratching the surface. Some things, such as his ability to move around Communist Bloc countries with ease, now seem improbable but that doesn't diminish the shows at all. Like most visitors here, the episode that remained in my memory was "The Not So Jolly Roger". My favourite line from that episode comes after Suzie has just finished telling Drake that she has never heard of him, then introduces him to the audience as "That well-known disk jockey, and incidentally, a very good friend of mine....." Love this site that I just found today, (May 2014).
Name: John Tate
Comment: Hello - what a fantastic site you have set up and maintained!!! The detail - TV Times atricles etc - is wonderful!! Yes I loved Danger Man too, I was about 5/6 years of age when it was in its heyday and of course as I got a bit older I was totally into the Prisoner as well - more so the Prisoner really. But Danger Man was great - from the wonderful intro music and captions to the fast moving plots. Just a quick question for you - and anyone else who is a McGoohan fan - which episodes of the Prisoner are most like episodes of Danger Man?? There's at least 2 or 3 I think
Name: Michael Robinson (Arlington, Va.)
Comment: I am completely amazed at this series and now identify it as my absolute favorite. It completely blows my mind that there were so many cultural, social, and political "tips of the hat" on TV at that time; the series truly makes me rethink people, in general, of that time. I actually started with "The Prisoner," but as I researched that show to have deeper appreciation while watching, I found and downloaded each and every "Danger Man" episode from the Internet. I paused my study of The Prisoner and am now "living" Danger Man. I absolutely love it and am so grateful for this website so I can appreciate the series even more. I have a lot more to go through, but one episode that, to me, exemplifies the essence of this show is the one where Mr. Drake goes afar to track down opium wholesellers (whose heroin ruined a friend's daughter). I mean, here we are in 2014 talking about this "problem" and, until seeing that episode, I really thought this was more of a post-Vietnam war problem. Sure, I could have read Wikipedia to know the history and scope of this social, global problem, but this show was trying tell us all something really important 55 years ago. I only wish Mr. McGoohan and Mr. Smart were still alive so I could find them and shake their hands for being very, very special actors, writers, creators and men. The show shows how good we can all be. Again, thank you for this website.
Name: David
Comment: I was a teenager when Danger Man was first broadcast. It has come to be my absolute favorite secret agent TV show. Patrick was truly a magnificient actor and I'm sure was a true gentleman. I have all the DVD's and watch them repeatedly. This is TV at it's best and beats most recent shows by a mile. Your website is very much appreciated and will provide many hours of pleasure. I never met Patrick but I feel as if I knew him and therefore will always miss him.
Name: erin maher
Comment: Danger man is still the finest , enjoyed the location spotting
Name: Lamorak Korving
Comment: Unfortunately, I don't have an email address, but you can write to me at Casablanca, 10 Herons Way, Herts., AL1 1UX, United Kingdom, Great Britain. The very first Danger Man episode I saw and hugely enjoyed, was The Island, but the most recent episode I saw and also enjoyed, was Sabotage. I am looking forward, however, to watching You're Not In Any Trouble, Are You? and The Contessa, as well as The Deputy Coyannis Story.
Name: Doreen
Comment: So happy to have found this site. I had just viewed the Jolly Roger episode on Youtube and then attempted to search for Patsy Noble on the web. That was how I found this website. The Jolly Roger episode is also my favorite, memorable from my childhood because of the music clips.
Name: Terry Marison
Comment: I was very lucky to be a child extra in the episode OUTCAST in 1965. Great memories.
Name: Mark
Comment: Great website. Great work on the location spotting!
Name: Mari
Comment: Thank you for the very informative and attractive Danger Man website. My first contact with Danger Man was in July 2013 and now three months later, I have seen all the episodes at least once. Your site was a huge help to me because my hearing is impaired and captions are not available on even the most recent Region 1 Danger Man collection. Your episode pages provide enough info for me to understand character and plot essentials. A simple fact like knowing a character’s name can make the dialog comprehensible. I especially appreciate having excellent factual information available without spoiler type detail or psycho-babble.
Name: David
Comment: Thanks for posting about the DANGER MAN 5-disc OST. I ordered mine and just got it. Wow. To say the least. I've been dreaming about this soundtrack set for years. It didn't disappoint. And the liner notes are first class. Your passion and work to keep DANGER MAN alive and vibrant is greatly appreciated by this fan.
Name: R.H
Comment: Great site with lots of the Locations before and after
Name: Yogi-ami
Comment: Thank you for all the hard work put into gathering and presenting this material. Your graphics and layout are in keeping with the show.I am exploring a exhaustive review of my childhood, which included a huge amount of TV time. This show and The Prisoner were a significant influence along with a number of other British spy shows. The section on the music was most helpful and saved me days, weeks, months of research. Will visit often.
Name: Number 666
Comment: Splendid repository of data concerning the Danger Man series. A very thorough catalogue of episodes with adequate amount of information for each episode. Thank you for your hard work!
Name: Mark
Comment: Most excellent website. I hadn't heard of Ian Fleming's involvement. Do you have any more detail on that aspect of Dangerman's development?
Name: Tina
Comment: Thankyouthankyouthankyou for this wonderful website - to which I've now become adddicted: there is so much new "stuff" for me to discover here about my favourite 1960s icon that I never even knew existed! Your comments and analyses are particularly enlightening. I was blown away today by your assessment of the man John Drake – and the comparison you make, or rather, the development you chart from the "young, idealistic operative" of series one to the later Drake whose "biological clock" is ticking - a very poignant observation that, I think, deserves further investigation.:-) Obviously I agree that Drake's (changing) attitude towards women, as well as the whole question of, uhm, sex, is a major issue. It is funny – and quite significant, too - that something which is so conspicuously absent from the series itself is still giving us so much to think (and write) about... Thanks again, Tina
Name: Chris Carson
Comment: My paernts said I was a bit young for Secret Agent, but I would quietly lay at the top of stairs and listen til caught! Huge fan of the Prisoner, and my children now are fans as well.
Name: muswellmovies
Comment: I always remember "Colony Three" as the opening location in Highgate was where I got on and off the bus to school. The shot where the guy disembarks to go into the citizens advice office (a set) is Muswell Hill Broadway.
Name: dave lally
Comment: Hi guys/gals. The London +S/East Priz Gp (L+SEPG) is holding a no of events in Aug 2013 (in conjunction with a major and by major I mean MAJOR)event on the same time in the S/East.We are embargoed up to and incl Wed 19 June but thereafter, there should be something on the site listing our L+SEPG and the other events (which dovetail into each other). Incl in our events (all of which are on Sats/Suns and of course are FREE -tho transport to, transport from, and any transport during ours (+any food/drink)are yr own costs. Incl will be a visit to S Hatfield (DM-1hr: "Colony 3")prob in late Aug. Very best wishes and BCNU!!
Name: Randall Masteller
Comment: Well done on a terrific site. I host a site dedicated to spy series called and my entry on John Drake had been alright though just concentrating on the books. Recently I decided to extend the site from just spy series books to also their movies and tv and so on. Looking for information about Danger Man, I was stunned and very impressed with your site and used a lot that I learned from you. I gave you credit on the page as a great site to go to. My sincere congrats on a fantastic job and I thank you again for teaching and entertaining me so much. Hopefully I did not screw up the info too much!
Name: Virgil Starkwell / Fielding Melish
Comment: Comment removed

Reply from Matt: Dear Virgil, I have removed your two comments as they are very rude and totally inappropriate. Whilst I am all in favour of free speech, this 'fan site' is not the place to air your arguments. I hope you will not take offensive with me or my website and I kindly ask that you refrain from posting any other such comments.
Name: Phil Wood
Comment: A very worthwhile web site, very entertaining and a reminder of a great series with Patrick McGoohan. The earlier series of Danger Man was a revelation to TV. Almost everything that was showing was boring in comparison. There was also the connection to his character in Ice Station Zebra. But in my opinion, although obviously not McGoohan's idea, The Prisoner had marvellous scenery but should have been less mysterious and have had a continuing story similar to Man In A Suitcase or the Bourne Series. Less puzzling of course, but we might have had more than one series.
Name: Rock Larocque
Comment: I had to add after spending an entire night viewing your 'Locations',page and watching my fave episode;"A Room In The Basement", that your work on 'Locations Page' is simply brilliant!!Thank you so much! - R. Larocque
Name: Rock Larocque
Comment: Thanks for a GREAT Site! I'm 60,in Ottawa,Canada. My mom was born in Ipswich Town,Suffolk County U.K. This was my favourite show,(and familys'),growing up.When "Dangerman" came on TV,everything stopped and we kids could bring our supper in to TV room. No one spoke until show was over. I knew as an 11-12 yr. old that the writing;acting and stories were superior to anything else on televison! I have almost all episodes of both series,and watch them monthly! Thanks for all the great info! It was sad and hard to take when Patrick passed away. Hard to lose one of our heroes we grew up with. Thanks again for such a super effort of constructing & maintaining this great webpage. Cheers from Canadas Capitol - R. Larocque.
Name: Delbert "Dellie Goose" Hutchinson
Comment: I Used To Watch Secret Agent In The US On Fridays On CBS And KIRO-TV Channel 7 At 7:30 PM It Went Up Against The Flintstones And Tammy On ABC And Daniel Boone On NBC. It Was A Lead In For Hogan's Heroes.
Name: Joe Fellows
Comment: A great program, that i wish were more readily available.
Name: Delbert "Dellie Goose" Hutchinson
Comment: I Used To Watch Secret Agent Occasionally On CBS Starring Patrick McGoohan.
Name: Eric
Comment: This is a fantastic site! I have wanted copies of the songs from the episode "Not So Jolly Roger" for years, but I could never find them. Well done on your persistence! I'm fascinated by the story of the artists who produced the bulk of the music for the episode. Very interesting! Thank you for the terrific find. "Be seeing you!"
Name: James
Comment: Patrick Mcgoohan had a lot of class,He is my favourite actor.
Name: Dennis Bell
Comment: Fascinating site about a great show. But, Good Lord, who would want to preserve the music from "Not So Jolly Roger"? It was so awful I'm surprised Drake didn't make some cracks about it. Or maybe it was dubbed in afterwards.
Name: ernie bradshaw
Comment: great show great acting bring it back but in the year 2013 please
Name: Simon
Comment: You might enjoy this radio show hosted by Fenella Fielding about Cult TV - talking through the great shows and playing the theme tunes. Danger Man is included, of course:
Name: John Weaver
Comment: I have been collecting Danger man memorabilia for some time and currently have in my collection all the annuals, the secret agent dell comics and the 'Trouble in Turkey' comic which I recently acquired. I am now in my 60's and remember the series with a lot of affection and quite often watch the dvd's on a regular basis.
Name: Richard Poulin
Comment: I was much interested in listening to the various versions of the Secret Agent theme as featured on the current home page. Sadly, NONE of the links provided work :-( Could you make something about it or is it a problem of copyright and we'll never be able to access these tracks? An incurable SeAg/DaMa/TPr fan-addict and, generally, a great Patrick McGoohan admirer !
Name: Delbert "Dellie Goose" Hutchinson
Comment: I Used To Watch Secret Agent On Sunday Night At 9 PM On CBS And KIRO-TV Channel 7 In Seattle As A Toddler On January 2,1966. When I Was Three Weeks Old. My Mom And Dad Really Liked Patrick McGoohan. I Would Do Spying On The Terrorists With Developmental Disabilities Who Blow Up Mental Institutions And Sheltered Workshops For Developmentally Disabled By The Terrorists With Developmental Disabilities As Well As Hitting Supervisors In The Hand And Face With Open Hands In Sheltered Workshops,Kicking Supervisors And Pushing Them Down In Sheltered Workshops Like On Those Edgy Cop Shows We Need Vintage TV On DVD. Today's TV Is Nothing But Junk. Including Individuals With Developmental Disabilities Who Hit State Employees In The Hands And Faces With Open Hands For Raiding Group Homes As Well As Kicking Them In The Shins And Faces And Pushing Them Down,Individuals With Developmental Disabilities Kick Doors,Hit Windows With Open Hands On Someone's Property Near DD Group Homes And Hitting Them In Hands And Faces,Kicking Them,Pushing Them Down On Someone's Property Near Residential Faciltites Like On Those Edgy Cop Shows. We Need Vintage TV On DVD And We Do.
Name: Michael A. Banak
Comment: First time here. Excellent job with the "On Location" collection. This web site is utterly delicious. Many thanks!
Name: Simon Richard Toomey
Comment: I watched DANGER MAN back in the 60s, I think it's one of the best TV Spy shows of all, and im still watching it today thanks to the Internet. One of my favorite episods is Not So Jolly Roger from 1966. Patrick McGoohan's portrail is one of the best.
Name: Ann
Comment: Got hooked on the Prisoner. Then got hooked on Danger Man. Then got hooked on anything with Patrick McGoohan. I echo the sentiment that McGoohan was vastly under-rated. Actors who recognized his genius were attracted to his projects like moths to a flame. He was a dichotomy of sinner and saint. Which he knew well enough. McGoohan was unique,innovative,a rebel,and yes-a lone wolf in many respects. McGoohan made John Drake his own. Drake is a no-nonsense,results driven security agent,who believes in what he does. He's one of the nameless/faceless guys working in national security,who don't seek fame or glory for what they do. I'd choose Drake over Bond any day. Mr. McGoohan's legacy will live on for those who admire and respect true originality.
Name: stephen
Comment: Hello, Danger Man is my favorite all time tv show.
Name: tony fisher
Comment: Fascinating site a must read thanks!
Name: Tom T.
Comment: Patrick McGoohan was one of the most highly underrated actors, a tremendous creative force. His versatility was amazing and utilzed to the fullest in the Danger Man/Secret Agent TV series as well as his guest apperarances on TV shows such as Columbo and his work in movies. His characters created on Danger Man as drunks, sleazy businessmen, and other crazy characters while he spies on the "bad guys" can be sometimes quite hysterical, yet he was such a serious actor. The Prisoner, of course, was his masterpiece. Peter Falk and Patrick McGoohan were wonderful together on Columbo when they played "cat and mouse." I was only a kid when these shows were on TV and watching them now, I love every minute of it. He was great and I miss him and his quality work! Be seeing you....
Name: Eric
Comment: FANtastic web site! an absolute 'Must' companion to watching the DVDs. Keep adding, I'll keep reading!
Comment: Great show and fondly remembered here and other places. Thanks for adding Richard Wattis into the list of greats who worked on series : The official Prisoner website was a great help to me when I wrote RW's bio between 2003 - 2005 and has been on and off ever since. Anybody who would like a brief bio on RW can contact me at
Name: ed sagrav
Comment: Does anybody know what's the name of the song Maxine Audley sings on episode 15 Colonel Rodriguez?
Name: John
Comment: Thanks so much Matt for letting me hear these themes. I remember so well watching them on TV and how the music added so much to the mystique of the programmes, I seem to remember they were labelled as "ITC" and maybe produced by Monty Berman. I'm 65 now and this is great nostalgia for me !
Name: Andre St-Amand
Comment: Hello Matthew, CONGRATULATIONS for your DANGER MAN web site, this is fantastic! Andre FROM CANADA
Name: Dan Tucker
Comment: Great web-site! I watched John Drake (Secret Agent Man) here in America while I was growing up. At first I didn't understand it then as I got a little older I looked forward to it. However, I usually had to catch it when the adults weren't watching something else. I was glad when the DVD's came out. I now have a full collection. And yes, the way "The Prisoner" was presented in America, we know that John Drake was No. 6"
Name: Gary McMahon
Comment: Very nice site. 'Not So Jolly Roger' - - by a long mile the best line of the series delivered in that ine by DJ Johnny Drake: "What's the matter Rick? Forgotten the words?"
Name: U.N. OWen
Comment: Dear Matt: This is my 2nd time signing this, but, I'm a faithful visitor to your site. In fact, I just added a link on the Wikipædia page for DANGER MAN. It's so nice to see there's still so much interest in this series. It goes to show how well-crafted it was, that (wow!) FIFTY ONE YEARS after the original 1/2hr series, there's STILL things about DANGER MAN that pulls me, and many others back to it. I originally saw DANGER MAN when I must've been no more than 2 or 4. As my memories of that time is sparse, there are certain things that ALWAYS stood out. One was the harpsichord music. It was - as far as I know - the only series to ever feature prominently harpsichord in both the theme, as well as incedental music throughout it's run. The next thing that stuck out - was the acting of Patrick McGoohan. Even as such a small child, he was MESMERISING to watch. For years, I had those two things in my head. I could hear that music. I could see that man, But, this was way before VCR's, and long before DVD's, much less digital, so, I was stunned, when I came across the 1hr long series being re-broadcast in the early 80's. I would literally become enveloped in it. For one hour, during each show, I was transported INTO the world of John Drake - and even though it was black and white, it just felt 'right.' Now, in 2012, I've got all the episodes of the 'trilogy' (1/2hr series, the 1hr series, and, of course, THE PRISONER), and, every 6moths, or so, I just have a 'marathon' before I go to sleep. I turn out my lights, and, am once again, whisked back into the world of John Drake. I want to thank you, Matt, for having this site, and, sharing your love of this great series with all of us with this beautiful site.
Name: Laurence
Comment: Great site. I have occasionally looked for DM info over the years, but have only just found your site. I admire your dedication and definitely believe Dangerman warrants the high standard analysis and commentary your site offers. Congratulations. I have always thought 'Dangerman' has provided the most intelligent all-round treatment of cold war espionage on the small screen. Thrilling and suspenseful, Dangerman nevertheless to some extent anticipates the 'ordinariness' and even tawdryness of the spy world and its inhabitants as later emphasised by Le Carre. Drake is not only called upon to be an action man, but an actor and manipulator, a con-man, a negotiator, an insurgent agitator. Sometimes it is glamourous, but more frequently it is the ordinary world of ordinary people that is enlivened with all the political and psychological tension of the cold war. Anyway, thanks for your sterling efforts in maintaining this site; they is much appreciated.
Name: karan
Comment: where can i get dangerman soundtrack from a new copy
Name: Naveed
Comment: I was informed about the series Danger Man recently by a friend in Australia (I reside in Canada). Have watched a couple of the later episodes, but now commencing from the beginning (the 1/2 hour shows). I am totally immersed in Danger Man. It is by far one of the most excellent shows of its type that I have ever seen. I am highly impressed by the production values (the settings and the acting), and believe that Patrick McGoohan's take on the character improved everything. At the moment I have lots more episodes to enjoy. While most of them are very good, I am finding a few firm favourites in theme/plot. What also impresses me about the 1/2 hour format, is how concise and succinct they are--to the point, and no superfluity. I truly have to thank my Australian friend, and also this site for engaging me in such a superb show!
Name: Mike
Comment: Exactly like one of the contributors on here, I came looking for the DM episode in which Ravel's 'Bolero' was featured, having like him remembered its use but, in my case having no idea at the time what the music was, only thinking that it had some sort of subliminal or 'quasi-hypnotic' effect on me at the time! Well, years later I did come across the 'Bolero', and, though never really sure it was the music I heard in the DM episode - though feeling very strongly it was - I have just now had it very happily confirmed that I had been right in my feelings all along! I've just been checking the various on-line retailers to see if the is a copy of the episode (it being, of course, 'The Mirror's New') available for purchase as a single item, but, unfortunately, it appears to be available only as a set piece. I was wondering, as my interest is only in watching this particular scene of the episode in which the Bolero occurs - I'd like to confirm, or otherwise, whether my vague long-held memory of the scene is in any way accurate - whether anyone knows if there is an Internet upload of it anywhere? Would greatly appreciate your help on this! Thanks a lot!
Name: alex davies
Comment: love this series. i was thrilled to discover that both sets of programmes of "danger man" were due to be released by "network dvd." as a result of this, the series can now be enjoyed by a new legion of fans(like me). long live john drake!
Name: Paul
Comment: I Am working my way through the complete collection, savouring all episodes. A very welcome christmas present from my wife ! This site is so welcome and gives lots of great info thanks
Name: John Ty
Comment: Like most of your guests I watched the tv series, for me he was the first James Bond, a great actor, the nearest he got to playing Drake again was in Ice Station Zebra, he will live on, in the TV series and in his films.
Name: John Foppiani
Comment: Add me to your mailing list.
Name: Stephen O
Comment: Patrick MacGoohan was a fine actor, a good man, and will be sorely missed. I used to watch Danger Man in the 60s and always remembered it as a classy production. I was given the DVD set for Xmas and have started viewing the episodes for the first time in 40-50 years. Didn't they have brilliant production values for the time, and don't they stand up well! Thank you for taking the trouble to maintain this site to honour this terrific series.
Name: James
Comment: Does anyone know which episode has was an arms dealer?

Reply from Matt: Hello James, I believe the episode to which you refer is "Someone is liable to get hurt". Drake poses as an arms dealer and upsets rival arms dealer 'Volos' who then takes Drake prisoner on his gun-running fort. Full episode details including a couple of stills can be found here
Name: Mel Spear
Comment: Fantastic resource! I live next to Bulkeley House in Englefield Green -never realised it was used in DM!
Name: Eric
Comment: I saw all of the Danger man episodes on DVD recently. This web site was a fantastic companion to the DVDs. I would like to offer my thanks and I will, no doubt, watch them again in the future and revisit this site then.
Name: Katherine Griffiths
Comment: Having been a fan of The Prisoner for many years, I was searching for more information about Mr McGoohan and stumbled on your site, which I found and continue to find fascinating. I was initially unable to get the early half hour episodes, so went with the later series which I have slowly worked my way through. My local library was able to order in the first series which I am watching now but never without your site open to refer to. So not only are you catering to the initiated but you are creating new fans. I have to admit to being astonished at the quality of the episodes and at how they have stood the test of time. Good writing always does. Thank you so much. This new interest has helped me get through a very difficult time with a tedious chronic illness in good spirits!

Reply from Matt: Hello Katherine, great to hear you are enjoying Danger Man and my website. Thanks for the kind comments I wish you a speedy recovery!
Name: David Alan Hall
Comment: This is a terrific site. You have done and continue to do a great job maintaining it. Too bad I live in the U.S. because I want all the goodies. But I have the region 1 DVDs and consider this website and wonderful goodie all on its own. Thanks for all the hard work you have put into it.

Reply from Matt: Thanks for your kind comments David, I'm please you like my site!
Name: colin flowerday
Comment: DANGERMAN was a legend as Patrick maghoon played john drake so well it should be brought back and not be like the awful avengers movie and the prisoner tv series that was an insult to patricks creation it was rubbish. ATV should revive this now and lets have just great entertainment from ATV NETWORK LIMITED.
Name: Patrick Cleary
Comment: Well done with the site. I'm so glad you set it up. I always prefered. Danger Man to the Prisoner. I was in my early teens when it was on in the sixties. I even remember watching the half hour episodes on sunday evenings in 1959-60. What a great actor Patrick was. I visited Belgravia 18 months ago when I was in London and saw some locations from a few episodes. I had a drink in The Star Tavern where Drake met Rawson, also seen Drakes house in the Mews. I've not Seen the house in Groome place yet but hope to next month when I will be in London. A very good series, a credit to Patrick and British television in the sixties. Once again well done.

Reply from Matt: Thanks for your kind comments!
Name: Reg
Comment: As a Kid i was a big Dangerman fan so am very pleased to see there is a dedicated site to the show.I seem to remember that the last episode consisted of John Drake storming into his office a resigning then going back to his mews house and packing his suitcase, when someone releases a gas through his letterbox and he wakes up as Number 6 a Prisoner in a secret village because he knows to much,am I right. ?

Reply from Matt: The Danger Man series didn't have a special 'final episode' as such. What you describe are the opening sequences of the Prisoner episodes; McGoohan drives his sporty Lotus into an underground car park, storms down a long dark corridor and hands in his resignation. He then returns to his London home and whilst packing is gassed. When he awakes he is in 'The Village' and is 'Number Six'. He was never referred to as Drake in the Prisoner. Hope that helps!
Name: Ben Carter
Comment: Thankful for having found this 'DANGERMAN' website thru ITC...Lifelong fan of the 'real secret agent'..John Drake....Tremendous series that I watched every Saturday evening back home in Newfoundland,Canada in the 1960's...What entertainment!..compared to much of the trash they throw at us nowadays..Johnny was the real McCoy..nothing phoney...per 'secret agents',there's John Drake & World Travel...and,then,there's the 'rest'...that includes OO& James Bond....Sean Connery couldn't 'tie' Pat McGooghan's shoes...let alone wear them!!...Sorry to hear of his recent passing...God Bless him..Thanks,Pat for all the thrills...real adventures...and for making this life enriched & fuller...and for giving me something to aim be more like you,John Drake...Multiple Thanks & gratitiude to all those at Boreham Wood Studios,England who produced this unforgettable Series..We will NEVER know anything like it again...In appreciation....Ben Carter,Jackson,Mississippi USA
Name: Josie Francis
Comment: Helo: I'm both a Dangerman and a No. 6 Fan, Both are works that helped formed my concepts of Justice and Freedom. Mr. McGoonan was a wonderful actor and a true gentleman. He will be missed. Josie
Name: Kevin Hurley
Comment: July, 2011 I'm so impressed with this website. I've been a fan of John Drake for 30 years. Half English/ Half American with an Irish Passport, the series reminds me of visits to London as a child. Even better, the plots are intelligent and, more importantly, credible as espionage thrillers. Almost understated, Danger Man impresses because it's more about the personal element - contact(s) - than about the gadgets and thrills. It's a reflection of what the CIA and MI5 (Mossad, etc.) know is the real 'intelligence' i.e., personal networks. And when you don't have those, you end up with wars and terrorism. Well done!
Name: Lettie Fortune
Comment: This is a fantastic site dedicated to John Drake AKA Patrick McGoohan. I am distantly related to Patrick McGoohan. My grandmother was Catherine McGoohan. My mother knew Patrick and his sisters when they were all children. I have just recently heard that Patrick has passed away which prompted me to have a look at websites dedicated to him. I am too young to remember his early works such as Danger Man and The Prisoner but I have seen his later films Braveheart and A Time To Kill. It is nice to see that his popularity continues beyond the grave.
Name: david george
Comment: great site ive watched the show on and off for around 30 years it was on tv every morning at 5 oclock in the early 80s its been on and off over the years in the early hours of the morning along with other british police shows i think the baron is on at the moment every now and then i will have to go and get the dvds david
Name: Mike McDonald
Comment: I was very sad to hear that Patrick McGoohan had moved on. When I first saw Danger Man aged around 14 I used to quietly pretend that "I" was Danger Man. I would like to have met him.
Name: Elijah Grajkowski
Comment: Never thought that I would find any information on the music used in "Not So Jolly Roger" episode on line; boy, was I surprised when I stumbled upon your web site. It is also my favorite episode of "Danger Man" (of the episodes that I have seen). Two questions: Is Edwin Astley related to the British pop singer of the late 1980s by the name of Rick Astley (father and son, maybe)? There is an episode of "Danger Man" in which "She's Not There" (normally performed by the Zombies) is done with a jazz combo (there's a flute solo) and a female vocalist. I think that some of it is sung in French. Do you know what I am referring to?

Reply from Matt: Edwin Astley is not related to Rick Astley or not that I am aware of. "She's not there" is sung in French in the episode 'Sting in the tail' - a great episode. Hope that helps!
Name: Martin Reynolds
Comment: Hi Matthew, I was wondering if you have considered a facebook share link on here? might be away of generating the extra traffic.-Just a thought! Be seein you! Martin
Name: U.N. Owen
Comment: I LOVE this site - this and Prisoner, perfect bookends. My two favorite (I'm from the states) series. I've both the 1/2 hour series and the 1hr series. I was pleasantly surprised to see that what is MY favorite DANGER MAN episode (The Paper Chase) got high marks here. I wrote a review of it on IMdB, where I said that I particularly love the scenes between Snra. Nandina (a delicious Joan Greenwood!), and John Drake - especially the one at the hotel room. While NOT reading anything into it, I love how Drake wakes (wearing a jacket similar to that he wears in THE PRISONER opening), and says; 'where am I?' At the scene's end, Drake walks Nandina to the door - he asks; 'who were you?' 'Long ago?' she replies. A pause - a little flurry. Wonderful. Truly truly a special series. Much thanks!
Name: Ricky
Comment: Absolutely fabulous website mate - well researched and presented - love your location work. First class!!

Reply from Matt: Thanks for your kind comments Ricky, the location work is my favourite bit!
Name: Ralph Ames
Comment: A couple of years ago I trotted down to the lake having parked in the layby on the banks of Llyn Gwynant and took this 360 - may be relevant. I think the spot was used in the Saint too.,0.00,70.0
Name: Greg Walker
Comment: Fantastic website and grand tribute to a great actor and individual. I purchased the A&E Prisoner and Danger Man boxed sets last month to "relive" my childhood! Can anyone tell me what car John Drake drives away with in the opening credits of the first series? Resembles a Jaguar XK-120, but can't be sure.
Name: Madelow
Comment: Thanks for this great site. Marvelous tribute to Patrick McGoohan's talent. It's a shame he's so underappreciated by American audiences. Keep up the good work!
Name: Richard Nash Creel
Comment: I discovered this show under the name Secret Agent when it ran in the US 1966-1968, to be followed by The Prisoner. My favoite episode is You're Not in Any Trouble, Are You?, supposedly set in Rome. First I liked the setting and the background bits of Mio Amore Sta Lontano, then, years later, despite her fake eyelashes, Susan Hampshire seemed to add a lot to the episode. There are some flaws:when she comes to Drake's room for a sleeping pill, during that sequence she is shown with two different dolls, and then, there is the problem of Enzo Bandone's British accent if he, in fact, had emigrated to the US at the age of 27 and lived there 47 years. All in all, the series and this show in particular are still a delight for me to watch, particularly in view of all the trash put out nowadays: the characters, even the villains, are attractive and only repulsive within the context of the story. Now, almost everything is either stupid, sinister, sleazy or just plain sick.
Name: Jackie
Comment: Hi, I've got the 1960s UK board game and I'm looking To sell it, does anyone know of a shop that would be Interested? Thanks
Name: Brian Madigan
Comment: I just watched the episode "Whatever Happened to George Foster?" It seemed like it almost belonged to a different series in which only the star and name John Drake were the same. Does anybody have information on this unique episode?
Name: Doug Krentzlin
Comment: A little while ago, I was exchanging messages with one of my Facebook friends who worked at Universal studios when Patrick McGoohan did some episodes of COLUMBO. I asked him if it was true that McGoohan and Robert Culp held the record for the most appearances as the "guest murderer" on COLUMBO, but he didn't know. Would anyone here know the answer to this question?

Reply from Matt: This is true, McGoohan appeared as 'the baddie' in 4 Columbo episodes; "By dawns early light" (1974), "Identity crisis" (1975), "Agenda for murder" (1990) and "Ashes to ashes" (1998). He also directed a further two episodes; "Last salute to the commodore" (1976) and "Murder with too many notes" (2000).
Name: Steven Thipps
Comment: The first time I saw Danger Man on television, the story being "The Island", I was blown away by the pace, action and credibility of the story. I'm just sorry my parents preferred the god-awful Coronation Street and Callan. When Carlton released the first four monochrome Danger Man videos, I was ecstatic. However, that swiftly became anger when I learned there were 4 more they hadn't released. Why did Carlton not release the final four Danger Man videos, and risk annoying potential future customers? That's what I want to know, because it doesn't make any sense to me!
Name: steven smith
Comment: Dear Sir, The Danger Man website is a labour of love and I have enjoyed my time here. A small comment on "A time to kill" It is surely common knowlage that the lake location was Llyn Vyrnwy in Powys North Wales. The dam and gothic pumping tower are often photographed. The scenes with the border-guard were filmed on the road running all around the lake. Later, the location shifts to nearby waterfall Pistyll Rhaedr - one of the seven wonders of Wales. The cabin / cottage depicted is a tearoom. Well done with the website.
Comment: Hi there!, just looking for information about a couple songs sung in French in the episode "A Sting In The Tail", from 1964, by the actress Jeanne Roland (Marie Valedon). One of the songs posibily called "Quand tu n`est pas L`a"... or something like that, it seems that is an uncredited version of "She`s Not There" by the British pop band The Zombies and composed by Rod Argent. Somebody please can tell me if those two songs are issued in cd or for download in the net. Thanks a lot and great site by the way!
Name: bill neumeister
Comment: After having watched the episode with the MOTORCYCLE CHASE SCENE...Involving an Unknown Foe in a motorcycle helmet...trying to run Drake down. The make of the motorcycle is of a Very Rare "CAFE" DESIGN. DOES ANYONE KNOW THE NAME OF THIS EPISODE? We hope to show he local "Bikers" the "Joys of John" or "Dangers of Drake" on movie night. Any help is appreciated. bill in Anc Ak.

Reply from Matt: Hi Bill, the episode you mention is entitled 'Dangerous Secret' from the third series. The motorcycle scene happens in the last few minutes and when the motorcyclist is 'unmasked' he is oriental.
Name: Terry Christie
Comment: Fifty years ago on Monday September 12th 1960 when the ITV spy Series Danger Man and starring the late great Patrick McGoohan as John Drake. Originally an Half-Hour episodes and four years later in 1964 extended the hour until 1968 and ran for eight years. Produced by ATV-ITC Production from the brainchild of Ralph Smart and batch of wonderful team including Seth Holt,Terry Bishop,Clive Donner,Robert Day, Brian Clements,Michael Pertwee,Peter Yates,Don Chaffey, Tony Williamson,Donald Jonson,Charles Crichton and Michael Truman. Happy 50th Birthday of ITV Spy Series Danger Man 1960-2010 also the great actor of course is the british secret agent John Drake played by the late Patrick McGoohan. Terry Christie A Great Danger Man and The Saint fan from Sunderland
Name: Mark Andresen
Comment: Does anyone know what cigarettes McGoohan smoked, either as himself or as John Drake (or as both)? By their length and uniform whiteness, they LOOK like they could've been Capstan Non-Filters, but if anyone knows for sure I'd be interested.

Reply from Matt: Hi Mark, I can't help but I'll leave your question here and hopefully you may get a response.
Name: LA Minas
Comment: You were inquiring about Caro Minas AKA Sasha Minas - lives in Los Angeles CA

Reply from Matt: Thank you for your information. Would it be possible for you to pass on a message to Caro/Sasha? I'd really like to speak with him about how he got involved in Danger Man and if he has any of the original music which he provided for the series. Best wishes, Matt ( )
Name: Tom O'Casey
Comment: Patrick McGoohan was in the same class as 'Ronald Colman,' in my estimation---a combination of 'sophistication' and 'British adventure hero.' (After all, Mr. Colman did portray 'Bulldog Drummond' in the 1930s--a true forerunner to James Bond 007 and Mr. McGoohan's own 'John Drake, Secret Agent.'/ As a high-end international fashion designer and film producer (my company OCB will be opening offices in cities around the world in late 2011--and I have a big action adventure movie in the Hollywood pipeline---I would have loved to have worked with Mr. McGoohan, who will always be one of my heroes. Like the late David Niven, whom I did know, and very well, "Patrick McGoohan was a First Class Act."/ I ponder what I have missed, since Mr. McGoohan's passing. The film I am developing with my writer-producer-collaborator would have been perfect for Patrick, as the aging secret agent pulled out of retirement--as "real secret agents never retire."/ Instead, today, knowing 'what might have been on the large screen had we enjoyed his fantastic imput (he was one of the most creative actor-directors in the entire world) I wish to salute 'Patrick McGoohan,' with an upheld glass of '72 Dom Perignom,' and with my friends 'Cheri Matisse,' 'Donna Bushman,' and 'Jackie Halliburton,' salute a legend whose work will live on for generations to come. We are all happy "prisoners" to Mr. McGoohan's charm, charisma,and energy. His is a lasting legacy.
Name: Ronald Payne
Comment: This is an excellent site. I met Patrick McGoohan on two separate occasions, and he was a 'gentleman,' always...DANGER MAN aka SECRET AGENT in the United States was the "diamond-in-the-rough" amongst a host of "lesser imitations." Only "THE MAN FROM UNCLE" came close, but "John Drake" wins hands-down, if only because of McGoohan's "powerful personality" in front of the camera...Mr. McGoohan, who turned down the role of 'double-0-seven,' made his mark as "Drake." He would have been a spectacular 'James Bond,' but it seems in the long haul, "John Drake" --or I should say--Patrick McGoohan---"created an icon that will withstand the sands of time." Ronald Payne, (The James Bond Files) and "Dave White Presents" an Interview with Ronald Payne, January 20, 2010,
Name: Stephen Lowin-Green
Comment: Hello Fans, Is anyone able to provide me with a contact address for my lost relative, former cameraman JACK LOWIN? Any information or leads will be very gratefully received. Thanks. Steve Lowin. e-mail:
Name: Amanda
Comment: Can someone tell me the name of the song in the two episodes with Susan Hampshire? Thanks…

Reply from Matt: Hello Amanda, the song is entitled 'Mio Amor Sta Lontano'. Check out my 'Music on Vinyl' page for a download and more information.
Name: Gerry
Comment: Brilliant site!!!
Name: phil
Comment: Hello fellow Danger fans. Ive just discovered this amazing site and just want to say how much fun its been trawling through all the gadgets,memorabillia etc!I came to Danger man by way of backtracking from The Prisoner,but without a doubt brilliant as The Prisoner is im affraid its number 6's alter ego that has fired my imagination more! so this site is one i'll be visiting for many a moon to come. Thank you for letting me know John Drake lives on in more minds than mine.
Name: Matt Butcher
Comment: Help! I just want to read the Roger Langley books, even by digital text. I can't spend an arm and a leg on them--is there anyway that I can either borrow the books or are they scanned?

Reply from Matt: I don't care much for Roger Langley (he's used many of my DM pictures on his website without crediting me) however his books are very good and it wouldn't be fair for me to lend/scan them for you.
Name: Lee Iugunsoi
Comment: My congratulations for this super one excellent web-site. I have found a heap of information that has become very happy. An affectionate greeting.Good-bye.
Name: J. Anthony
Comment: Dear Matt Somwhere in your 'archives' must exist the names of the production crew(s) who were engaged on the DANGER MAN series. I don't think folk outside the industry always appreciate the integral part these people played, i.e. the superb Jack Lowin (operator) et al - without whom the sheer quality of the production would never have reached the small screen. I don't think they make 'em quite like that any more! Great site.
Name: millyhilly
Comment: Being a PmcG fan I can generally tell when Frank Maher is doing the stunts. But sometimes his efforts seem unnecessary, whilst other times it's obviously McGoohan giving his all when a stuntman would be preferable. Why should that be?
Name: jim
Comment: What a great site and tribute to one of our finest. Just love all the film location shots then and now. A lot of work has been put into this collection. What is it about the fascination of old film locations. Is it a secret yearning for a bit of the past?????.

Reply from Matt: I like visiting the locations to see how they've changed or not as the case may be. Some are in beautiful surroundings, so visiting them is not a chore!
Name: Shadow
Comment: Great site. Really nice. I'm wondering, what is the font that was used for the Danger Man logo. I really like it!

Reply from Matt: Surprisingly the font is Arial Bold - the reason I'm so sure is a graphic designer friend of mine made the logo for my site and I watched him do it.
Name: MelR
Comment: Great site. Loved this programme when it was first on. I'm currently watching one episode each night and they are still as good as I remember. I had forgotten the opening title sequence of the original 30 min programmes, but it flooded back. Was 'My name's Drake, John Drake', the precurser of 'My name's Bond, James Bond'? Don't remember that phrase in any of the JB books. Do you remember the Danger Man clothing range launched by Hepworth's in 1967. I bought a pair of trousers, which had an inverted V cut from the front so that the leg fitted neatly over the shoe. Those were great days. Later Callan replaced Drake - that was good as well. Acting rather than the explosions and effects that we now see on TV.
Name: James Kealy
Comment: Sir, .....After my initial post re:Aston Martin in first episode I read previous posts and discovered it was an Aston Martin ...but no model number. Cheers. jim Kealy
Name: James Kealy
Comment: Sir, ...Can yoy tell me please the model number Aston Martin DB...I think it was an Aston Martin... Drake drove in the first episode ' View from the Villa' I live in Mill Hill.London where Patrick McGoohan used to live ...I remember reading in the local paper regarding the trouble he had with the building of a large fence around his property. Thank you. Jim Kealy.
Name: john david
Comment: Matt. Many thanks for your help. This episode has stayed in my mind for the last 45 years. It was the first time I heard Ravels Bolero and it is still my favourite piece of classical music. Have you any idea where I can obtain a copy of this episode?

Reply from Matt: You could buy a DM boxset and get all the episodes, however I've just looked on eBay and you're one lucky lucky guy as this episode is avaliable on a DeAgostinin DVD for a buy-it-now price of £2.99 with free postage!! Follow this link: Ebay Item #250548886468 I'd snap it up fast!
Name: john david
Comment: I remember watching an episode in the mid sixties co-starring Donald Houston. The episode reached it's climax to the sound of Ravels Bolero. Can anyone out there tell which episode this was?

Reply from Matt: The episode is called 'The Mirror's New' - well worth watching!
Name: Paul Jerome
Comment: Thanks, I'm a big fan of this series. I have a question if anyone can answer; Why was "Strauss' Blue Danube Waltz" dubbed in as a voice over (lips do not sync)? What were they saying there when it was shot? (NSJR) Series 3, episode 13. paj692
Name: mario
Comment: To gain better insight into both Danger Man and Colony Three we need to know a bit of cold war history. By the mid-1950s at the very height of the era of McCarthyism, thanks to unrelenting FBI pressure membership of the American Communist Party (ACP) had slipped from its 1944 peak of around 80,000 to an active base of approximately 5,000. Some 1,500 of these "members" were FBI informants. To the extent that The ACP did survive, it was crippled by the penetration activities of these informants, who kept close surveillance on the few remaining legitimate members of the Party on behalf of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, and the ACP dried up completely as a base for Soviet espionage. "If it were not for me,' Hoover told a State Department official in 1963, "there would not be a Communist Party of the United States. Because I've financed the Communist Party, in order to know what they are doing."
Name: Patricia
Comment: This website serves as a fine testimonial to Patrick McGoohan's extraordinarily powerful creative work (and perfectionism) in the Danger Man series. Appreciate this website and its achievement in keeping alive the memory of the man and his work.
Name: chuks
Comment: An absolutely wonderful and informative website!!!! Patrick Mcgoohan remains my favourite actor and this website is an excellent tribute to his acting brilliance. I have watched all the episodes of Dangerman and the prisoner. Whilst The Prisoner appears to have the bigger critical acclaim I personally think Dangerman is much better
Name: Stephen Austra-Beck
Comment: I'm really grateful for your Danger Man site. What a fantastic tribute to one of the very best espionage genre series ever be it film or television.
Name: Victor Hall
Comment: The Sanctuary. The railway station known as 'Glen Doon' is in reality Bricket Wood Station near St. Albans. The line itself is the Watford Junction to St. Albans Abbey service which is still in use. However, the station iself has fallen into disrepair over the years and the loop track has long been removed.
Name: Terry Christie
Comment: For many years now when Danger Man first broadcast on ITV in September 1960-62 originally half-hour series and four years later expanded an hour since 1964-66 and to the very end from 1968 and ran for eight years. The British Secret Agent John Drake played by the late Patrick McGoohan also later went on to become a cult classic The Prisoner as Number 6. The writers of Danger Man including Brian Clemens, Tony Williamson,Donald Jonson,Philip Broadley, David Stone also directors such as Peter Yates, Robert Day,Michael Trueman,Seth Holt,Terry Bishop, Peter Maxwell and Don Chaffey. Danger Man is the of a original ITV crime series from the sixties. Terry Christie from Sunderland
Name: maryline petrement
Comment: It's my favourite tv show, enjoy it a lot as your web site which is very good and with so nice photos !
Name: Just a fan
Comment: I was walking my DVD collection and decided to watch my Danger Man discs (had not viewed them in about five years) again. On a whim, I poked around to see what data I could find on the series on line and hit your site. Brilliant work!
Name: Terry
Comment: What a great site! I was laid up after knee surgery a few weeks ago, and spent time re-watching this series. Has the brand of cigarette/small cigar, like the one Drake smoked in "I'm sorry you have the wrong number", ever been identified?
Name: Kenneth Pizzi
Comment: Great website. Matthew! Love the "then" and "now" shots of familiar Danger Man locations. I highly recommend the original Network DVD boxed set over the repackaged version that came out earlier this year. The newer version discards the actual commmercials (Macleans Toothpaste, FTD, Old Spice) presented with the commercial bumpers on the last disc. A minor quibble, but a far superior set than the A&E edition available here in the States with no extras (save for some fuzzy still "grabs") and little else. I have a multiregional DVD player and on my 55 inch Panasonic plasma TV John Drake has never look better. Cheers! Best, Kenneth Pizzi San Mateo, California
Name: William Herndon
Comment: Great site. Danger Man has always been my favorite telivision series. "Not so Jolly Roger" my favorite episode... Regards, Bil
Name: sly
Comment: i want some one to tell me more about this denger man is it a society that make some one rich or killer cos i want to be rich iam scarving get back to me with my emails
Name: Robin
Comment: Kathleen Byron`s character is named, "Deirdre" in the mentioned episode. and are very useful for information about film`s and series.
Name: McGoohan fan
Comment: Like Budd I was wondering who Kathleen Byron played in 'name, date and place'. She's so striking looking she should be easy to spot but I can't. Also who's the gorgeous actress who shoots Drake in the same episode? Her character isn't named in the show and it's driving me nuts. Appreciate the help.
Name: Gary A. Bader
Comment: The series is the greatest and one of my favorites to this day. The Prisoner was harder to follow but very fun to watch. Great programing.
Name: simon Parkes
Comment: What a fantastic site ! Very well done! Such a fine idea to have the same building/street shots to contrast with the original. As a small boy I watched the original series, now I have the dvd collection, and a signed photo of the man him self. The star very rarely used a gun, never tangeled with women (as did 007) instead good acting, a decent script and good camera work kept the interest going. It is a shining example of "the tall silent type" so popular in the 1960's, e.g man in a suitcase. But there was somthing rather special about the Dangerman shows, and even today the quality shines through - what a shame that after playing n0 6 and the faling out of favour with the money men we lost a very fine actor to the states. So thank you for a wonderfull site, it keeps it all alive. simon.
Name: K Seward
Comment: Thank you for this great site. It's quite a resource for fans old & new. I faintly recalled the stateside broadcast of Secret Agent from when I was a preschooler. Was a big spy genre fan and liked The Prisoner from back when I saw it first broadcast. But only just recently have I a chance to see the Danger Man series (the faintly recalled later ones again and the 1960 ones for first time). What a great series, in both incarnations. The acting of McGoohan and others, the writing, the music (again, both incarnations). My wife & I are both big fans. "Not So Jolly Roger" is definitely a fave. The chorus from the song "He Who Rides A Tiger" constantly pops into my head. And on this 2nd or 3rd occasion visiting your site, just read the letter you received from Patrick McGoohan ("JD, your DJ on the JR") about NSJR and working at Red Sands. I wish I had properly seen the series before McGoohan passed away, but better now than never. And again, this site has added much to the enjoyment and appreciation of the series. Thanks.
Name: bob vincent
Comment: Network are bringng out their version of the 30 min episodes later this year. Heard this at the recent Fireball XL5 cinema showing at the Odeon Covent Garden
Name: Gary Craig
Comment: Great Site. My favourite episode is 'Not So Jolly Roger' Been out to see the fort in the Thames estuary (Red Sands). Note that in the actual episode the original dialogue is clearly over dubbed when he announced ' The Blue Danube' they must have originally used another piece of music. I guess some copyright infringement Thanks again
Name: joe pick
Comment: mt dad owns the sister car 732 hop!
Name: Terry Christie
Comment: The Famous guest stars in Danger Man includes Brian Worth Susan Hampshire,John Fraser,Ian Hendry,Dawn Adams, Denholm Elliott,Joan Hickson and Geoffery Keen. The Music behind Danger Man is Edwin Astley who composed TV themes such as The Saint,The Baron,Department S, Randall and Hopkirk and Giedon's Way. Terry Christie from Sunderland
Name: Michael Young
Comment: Wonderful site. Congratulations! Is it known, I wonder, who the musicians were on the "Danger Man" theme recording?
Name: Gavin
Comment: Started a forum for Danger Man as I couldn't find any online.
Name: Bill Danielson
Comment: Great website. I have been a Patrick McGoohan fan since I was a child watching Secret Agent Man and The Prisoner. I now have every episode of each and continue to turn friends on to these classic and timeless series. I always enjoy and apprieciate all the work that goes into websites like this. Keep it going and "Be seeing you".
Name: Mike Davidson
Comment: Being an American living in the UK, I first knew Danger Man as Secret Agent. I don't recall ever seeing the first series of Danger Man at all in the U.S. except for one episode. Patrick McGoohan was truly a one-of-a-kind man and actor. He brought real class and sophistication to John Drake. He made him so much different from James Bond. I love the location filming of Danger Man and seeing so many familiar faces, such as Barbara Steele in The Man On the Beach. It is truly wonderful to now have every episode available on DVD to preserve and enjoy in the years to come. Those who might not like to watch anything not in colour are really missing out on a great and vastly underrated show.

The MP3 music downloads are great, too.
Name: stevie boy
Comment: excellent web site, the then and now locations are fantastic
Name: Emma Peel
Comment: I used to watch secret agent man at my beach house and what was it that was so great about that show?! I dont know what it was but to this day I love that show and wish I could go back in time to when I was a kid and first started watching it - I was rivited to the tv I think it was Patrick he was sooooo great looking in an unconventional way.
Name: Bruce
Comment: I have just been watching the first series, released here on dvd in Australia, by Umbrella Entertainment (, and was surprised how tight and well written the stories were. This has inspired me to purhcase the Madman set of the later series as well.
Name: Steve
Comment: I'm new to Danger Man but I'm already hooked. Great site.
Name: Terry Christie
Comment: For many years now I have been a great fan of Danger Man on ITV from 1960-68 and it ran for eight years. British Secret for MI5 John Drake played by The actor is the late Patrick McGoohan. The Famous episodes of Danger Man including Fish on the Hook,Fair Exchange,Have a Glass of Wine, The Professionals and Not So Jolly Roger. Danger Man is the one of a great sixties crime shows on ITV. Terry Christie from Sunderland
Name: Martin Reynolds
Comment: I think fans of Pats will be interested in this blog that i noticed that's from a photographer who claims to have taken one of the last ever shots of Pat. A very interesting story and the photo is included for all to see.
Name: Bob Miley
Comment: I remember seeing a few "Danger Man" episodes in the very early 60's as a child. Then "Secret Agentman" followed. I remember running to the TV and turning up the volume for the Johnny River theme song....and I kept telling my parents it was going to be a 'hit' !.....and it later was number 1, 2, or 3 on the charts ! I just recently purchased the very 1st original "Danger Man" 1/2 hour set from 1960-1961. ( a 5 Disc set) This is called "Series #1" on this website. ** Also in this website there's reference to a Mini Cooper S car that he drove in some of the series. ** But, note....I believe in the very 1ST EPISODE: "View from the Villa",John Drake was driving an----> Aston Martin !! For anyone checking this out... please take note of the grille-shape and emblem on the I guess Mr. Bond was NOT the 1st Brit spy to drive an "Aston" !! I used to love watching these shows at the ages of 11-13 ....and watching again....that feeling hasn't changed. Patrick was, indeed the coolest spy, good memories.Our praises for you, McGoohan, Patrick McGoohan !
Name: REVUpminster
Comment: The 30 minute opening titles was a composite of the Washington Capitol in the background and Castrol House in the foreground complete with London Bus Stop. Castrol House is in the Marylebone Road between Baker St and Marylebone stations. At it's opening in 1959 it was a revolutionary design with a walls of glass off a steel frame. In 1998 it was converted to expensive flats losing its double height foyer and open plan staircase. It was renamed Marathon House. Marylebone Road here is a dual carriageway and for the TV shot must have parked the car against the central resevation so as he drove off it looked like he was driving on the right when in reality he was in the outside lane. A car passes on the inside lane during the shot. Hope this corrects the notion it is in the Euston Road.
Name: SS
Comment: I miss watching Secret Agent Man as a kid in America (1965-66)--the music was REALLY COOL and hip, and the swirling gun in the eye while another is firing and Johnny Rivers was captivating to us kids. RIP Patrick--BE SEEING YA!
Name: Anne Billson
Comment: Great site, worthy of a great series. The location spotting is particularly interesting. Much appreciated, thank you.
Name: Martin Reynolds
Comment: I have recently discovered this amazing site,having heard the devastating news of one of my all time heroes Patrick Mcgoohan. As well as a superb Actor,writer and producer he was a fantastic role model for anyone who looked to him,especially the young and impressionable a far cry from todays so called stars with their on screen loose morals and general lack of style. RIP Pat you will be sadly missed.
Name: Gerry
Comment: great seeing the addition of the stills to the episode guides
Name: Julian Rawes
Comment: Hello, It is good to see your website, well done. I am a fan of the Danger Man series and watched it when it was first released. After 45 years I am enjoying watching it again after purchasing DVDs of the complete series. I have noticed that you like to note the location of scenes. I have just watched 'The Conspiritors' from series one. The film is set in a castle on an island. In fact I know the castle well. You will find it is Manorbier, a few miles west of Tenby, Pembrookshire. I do not know the cliff scenes but it is prabable that they located nearby, possibly towards the west. Julian Rawes
Name: Andrew Buckley
Comment: Great site Matt. "jolly Roger" was one of my faves also. Plenty of pirate stations being about then in the 60's. This site as so much info and memories....will have to start watching the two box sets from begining...again!!!!. Thanks Matt.
Name: Chris
Comment: Very good site. While watching the 1st season episodes, I noticed that in episode 11, The key, the character of the Ambassador seems to be dubbed. Any information about this?
Name: M A Lima
Comment: Very good! Santos - Brazil
Name: cram sigrad
Comment: Greetings Dangerphiles: I am a veritable tyro to the Dangerlandscape and have been wondering what have the Mr Harrys of the world have been up to lately?
Name: Patrick
Comment: Hello, I want to thank you for sharing the letter and photos Mr. McGoohan signed. I too had recieved a signed photo from him last year and it is very important to me. I only wish I could have met him and shook his hand. Thanks for having such a great site.
Name: Steve Phillips
Comment: Danger Man series Time to kill was filmed in Lake Vyrnwy and also at the Waterfall (240ft high) in Llanrhaeadr-Y- Mochnant Wales. My grandparents ran the caffee shop by the Waterfall and Patrick McGoohan asked him to be in the film shooting at the helicopter. Afterwards he was presented with a picture of himself holding shot gun with Patrick McGoohan and Sara Lawson.
Name: David
Comment: I live on the Isle of Anglesey and remember the film crew based in Beaumaris when they filmed pieces for several episodes there, especially "Thats Two of us Sorry" when they were on location at Penmon" I note you have no known locations for "It's up to the Lady" set in Greece. If that is the one where he ends up in the water It was filmed off Beaumaris in the Menai Straits. I remember him coming back ashore after the sequence, landing at Beaumaris pier soaking wet and saying "Its bloody cold out there" The piece where he borrows a boat off a young Greek boy was filmed at Gallows Point, just on the outskirts of Beaumaris where there is a boat yard. The Greek boy was a local lad they used, as his father was a Greek and he looked the part with his dark skin. Also The Vicar in "Whatever happened to George Foster" was played by Evan Thomas a bit part actor who actually lived in Beaumaris and owned a cafe there! He was a friend of my Fathers and a member of the local amateur dramatic society.
Name: Budd
Comment: In addition to losing Patrick McGoohan this month, one of the actresses in the 1961 episode Name, Date, and Place, Kathleen Byron, died on Jan 18. I can't figure out which of the characters she was in the episode however!
Name: SeanK
Comment: Excellent website! I purchased the entire Danger Man DVD set on a lark a year ago (having never seen an episode) and am currently going through it for a second time. Being a Prisoner fan, I felt it well worth the risk. I have an obsession for 60's TV, especially British 60's TV. I can't watch todays television. God, what an impressive series this was! Nothing produced today could ever possibly compare to the sheer style and elegance of these classic episodes. I was born in 1964 and have some memories of a magical time when TV was so much more of a compelling medium. I truly feel sorry for todays generation. What culturally distructive rubbish they feed upon! As to the inimitable McGoohan, thank you dear sir for having been born and blessing us with something truly cherished.
Name: J Last
Comment: Dear Matthew I think you have done a splendid job with the DANGER MAN website. It was a great series and very well produced. I really cannot think of anything today which conveys a purely enjoyable, entertaining yarn - devoid of violence and sex - to compare. Your 'location' pages are great fun. The series employed a broad range of very good actors and actresses, many of whom, alas are no longer with us. Mr Patrick McGoohan was a true 'one off' and your pages are a fine tribute to both the man and that great tv series. Perhaps you will be able to research the Shepperton days too? Good luck to you J Last
Name: Allan Murphy
Comment: I was so sad to hear the passing of patrick magoohan,as he was and always will be the greatest actor of is generation . The Danger Man series was the best that ITC produced and ITC made some great shows.Goodbye Patrick you will never be forgotten.
Name: Dave Gibbs
Comment: Matt, Thanks for your note! You have the best site on Danger Man, one of my all-time favorite shows. And, thanks for sharing your letter from Patrick McGoohan. He was one of the greatest actors from our time and he will truly be missed. Thanks, Dave
Name: Bryan
Comment: Very sad to here the news about Patrick.I remember well the pleasure my father and I had in watching him in the Danger Man series when I was in my teens.We looked forward to Sunday evenings when the series was broadcast in our area.Sincere condolences to his family.
Name: barb
Comment: poor Joan and the children, i am very sorry for your loss though you don't even know me. Mr. McGoohan was like a tv 'father' to me for a very, very long time; with his acting, yes, but what i've read concerning not using a gun on Danger Man and his confrontation with Orson Welles, etc., he taught me to stand up for myself and others, to do what's right and do not compromise. My dear friend Tim Savage, a huge fan of comicons, would often bring me Secret Agent comics and other bits. Secret Agent was my first introduction to him ("get back to bed!"), and thanks to film, and to memories, he will never leave my heart, forever helping decide what is right. :)
Name: Jeremy Scott
Comment: Hi I have a painting, on the back it claims to be from the set of Danger Man the signature says Pete or Peter Howitt... I can't find anything on the painter... Does anyone know anything about it? Its a great landscape in browns and greens and on one side looks very industrial graduating into a rural side, but very abstract.
Name: Bill Thinnes
Comment: I don't know how I didn't stumble across your site sooner; it was Patrick's death that persuaded me to Google and come up with your well-researched, well-organized and graphically excellent paean to John Drake. Much as I appreciate THE PRISONER, SECRET AGENT/DANGER MAN has always been my favorite, and your site really does the show long-deserved justice! How neat that Patrick wrote you re: NOT SO JOLLY ROGER; one of my favorite episodes, also! Keep up the great work!
Name: Gerry T
Comment: what a magnificent tribute to a great man and a brilliant series.The integrity and intelligence of Patrick McGoohan will live on thanks to this wonderfull site.As the great man would have said, Im obliged !
Name: Christopher
Comment: I have just watched two episodes of Dangerman on YouTube. I thoroughly enjoyed them, and I must admit, I am quite tempted to buy the DVDs.
Name: Philip Temple osb
Comment: It was reading of the death of Patrick that led me to this site. It has been a revelation! A splendid undertaking which will bring joy to many. It has brought back many happy family memories for me and an age that was more innocent, hopeful, clearer and...exciting! Thank you very much Matt and God bless you.
Name: Geoffrey H
Comment: Like many I was saddened to learn of the death of Patrick McGoohan, who I thought was an actor with a unique style of presentation, he always had a presence, and was one of those rare understated actors. I was a great fan of Danger Man and the theme music, and the words "John Drake" I can hear to this day. As for The Prisoner, perhaps it would be fair to say only McGoohan could play that role, I cannot think of anyone else who would come even close to his portrayal of a tormented man.
Name: Pablo
Comment: I'm very sad of Patrick McGoohan's passing. I'm 27 and I've been a great admirer of his work since 2000. To me Danger Man (or, Cita Con La Muerte / Date with the death, as it's called here in Argentina) is the true definition of pure adventure, with a strong moral background. As for The Prisoner, well, he expanded the limits of the medium, and it's one of the few tv shows (or movies, for that case) that can teach you/influence/make you think a few real things about living in this modern world. Both series are currently off air here, although I have all of TP and several DM taped, it's a nice feeling to know they are out there on the tv, to be discovered by new people. Last year I catched Patrick first Columbo (another great series) appearence. He was not only great as an actor, but also as creatvie director and writer. And he always worked from the rawness of his humanity, like John Cassavetes, another friend of Peter Falk. He could have been the Welles of his generation but, for one thing or another, he choose not to be. I respected the man even for marching to his own drumming. Shame he will not be here to endorse/disown the Prisoner remake, but I'm glad he seems to have lived the life he wanted to. Your site is wonderful, I hadn't visited for a couple of years and now I'm getting those articles on pdf. Keep up the great work. And Not so jolly Roger is one of my favourites episodes too. Kudos to you to post all those records.
Name: Valarie
Comment: I teach a religion and film course on "The Prisoner" at DePauw University in the States, and I want to thank you for such an excellent web site. "Danger Man" is essential background for "The Prisoner," as well as a stunning show in its own right. Thanks for keeping Danger Man materials alive and fresh. Like everyone else, I am sad and depressed at Patrick's death. At least at this site, we can still remember the glory that marks John Drake: "Six feet, two and one-half inches at your service, ma'am!"
Name: Larry
Comment: I was extremely saddened to read of Patrick McGoohan's death this morning. He was my first television hero as John Drake (American release of "Secret Agent") and I wondered for years why other television actors just weren't as cool. It was only as a later teenager with a taste for older movies, that I realized that I liked Alec Guiness, David Niven, Gary Cooper, Christopher Plummer, Guy Standing, and others of their ilk for the same reason I liked Patrick. He was a consummate actor who knew how to underplay a role. Most television and film actors come from the total porcine school and could no more act in an Ibsen or Chekov play than they could fly by flapping their arms. I only found your website today, on a sentimental journey, so to speak, but was very pleased to find out how much of John Drake was actually Patrick McGoohan. If you have any communication with the McGoohan family, please include my deepest condolences and wishes for them. We have really lost one of the greatest.
Name: Michael
Comment: I thought you might like to know that the waterfall in the episode called "Time to Kill" (just after Drake and the girl have been handcuffed together) is Pistyll Rhaeadr. It is located a few miles from the village of Llanrhaeadr-ym-Mochnant in Powys, Wales, twelve miles west of Oswestry. The picture on the Wiki site shows the distinctive rock face on the left and the natural arch.
Name: Gerry
Comment: I was so saddened to hear of the passing of Patrick McGoohan. I was introduced to McGoohan in the early 1960's with the half hour series Dangerman. What a joy when the series was expanded to hour episodes a couple of years later. As in England the program was called Dangerman here in Canada. It was years later that I found Secret Agent was the very same program. McGoohan is well known for The Prisoner. However I think the greatest TV program was Dangerman. I wonder if there would have been a Prisoner without the Dangerman series. I'm so glad for this site which is dedicated to his role as John Drake. McGoohan was a man of integrity and morals. His prinicples dictated the roles he was involved in. I so admired him for that.I told my family his passing was like losing a friend. He has brought countless hours of joy to many fans the world over. He will truly be missed. This week in tribute to McGoohan I have been watching my Dangerman DVD episodes.
Name: Clay Marceaux
Comment: Very affected by the death of Pat Magoohan. I had been hoping for a return before his anticipated, but dreaded, farewell. His influence on me was mysterious and immediate from age 9. His individuality and unwavering attitude placed him apart from all others. I celebrate him even while believing that, like Orson Welles, his impact might have been tenfold what it untimately was. I would love to hear his thoughts to you on NOT SO JOLLY ROGER as he was such a private man.
Comment: What a great site to a great man, very sad to hear of Pat's death today.Have yet to see all of the Dangerman Episodes so lots to look forward to.He lives on in both The Prisoner and Danger man and in that way he is still with us.Keep up the good work and BE SEEING YOU......
Name: philip corley
Comment: correction'' my apoliges it was the movie' QUAREFELLOW'1962'' BY BREANDON BEHAN' not the borstal boy
Name: philip corley '
Comment: just seen the news, my sympathies to the mc goonans family, he was a good man' and very talented ''''''''' i worked as his double in the movie' the borstal boy'' by breandon behan' back in ireland . i remembered he chained smoked one after another i did not think he would last at the pace he drove himself 'but he went on and had a full active life his presence will be sadly missed .
Name: ray
Comment: The man was a legend - desperately sad to hear of his death. My favourite actor since seeing him in Hell Drivers.
Name: michael c griffin
Comment: London. Jan 15th 2009 As a little boy (b.1957) one hated kissing scenes on telly. Drake got rid of most of those in his portrayal of Danger Man and any general sentimental gush. He gave out a strong moral code which has stayed with me since. I pestered mum and dad til I received a little trilby hat and a mac so I could pretend to be him. This I accessorised with a Secret Sam case, full of spy gadgetry, hiding behind the sofa from the Russian spy with an atomic weapon which was my mum hoovering. When The Prisoner appeared it ran hand in hand with the The Beatles as a cultural navigator. I have lived my life by its message, 'I am not a number',and became an actor myself. I was flying out to see 'Paddy' soon but alas the moment has gone. If anyone ever asks me I alway say he is my favourite actor, (often receiving blank looks in return.) He gave us so much, the most perfectly realised King Edward 'Longshanks' in Braveheart. Fond Adieu my hero. 'Be seeing you.'
Name: Sue Bedford
Comment: So very sad to hear about Patrick's death. I absolutely loved Danger Man when it first came on tv, it was the most stylish series and the music was fab. Too bad they monkeyed with that when they showed it on American tv.
Name: Mark Giuseffi
Comment: I can't say enough about this fine actor. I mostly enjoyed his early acting as John Drake, or Secret Agent Man as it's known here. Also, the music scores to the show were just incredible. Mr. McGoohan was a unique talent. There's no other actor quite like Patrick. Best wishes to his family. He left a great legacy.
Name: Neil Poulsom
Comment: Sorry to hear of the death of Patrick McGoohan but at least I found this site as a result. Danger Man was my favourite TV programme - even more than The Avengers. If it was on late I sometimes had to sneak down and watch it with the sound down low so my parents didn't realise. Made it even more exciting. Not so Jolly Roger was a brilliant episode and the one where he pole vaulted over a high fence. And the one hour episodes are available at last - FANTASTIC. Great site Great tribute to a wonderful actor.
Name: Solomon
Comment: Congratulations and thanks for the marvellous website. Many of my family had been in the business Danger Man portrayed; my father and I watched together all the series with great enjoyment; I grew up and also joined the trade, though I doubt I had the panache of DM.

Sorry to hear of the death of Patrick McGoohan, who was a very fine actor and bought much pleasure to many over the decades of his illustrious career.
Name: Brian
Comment: I am very sad to hear of Patrick McGoohan death on the BBC website, he was a great actor in Danger Man, The Prisoner, Columbo and in many Films.
Name: Jolly Roger
Comment: Deeply saddened to hear of the passing of my favorite actor.
Fan since 1950
Name: Christopher
Comment: You really have done an awful lot of work on this website to make it as good as this. Many thanks, it's individual websites that make the Internet still worthwhile in my opinion. Best regards.
Name: Christopher
Comment: Excellent website. I have just learned about McGoohan's death from the BBC website.
Name: Brian
Comment: I am a very big fan of Danger Man. I only received the Complete (Special Edition) of hour-long episodes at Christmas. It's been fun to watch them all and it's terrific that this website is good to visit.
Name: Moor Larkin
Comment: This website was always the best McGoohan/Danger Man site on the web. I never thought it could get any better..... and now I find it just got better for 2009.

Name: Toni
Comment: great website about the Danger Man, very interesting the location then and today.

Best regards from Switzerland.
Name: Manuel
Comment: Excellent! It's a joy to find a website like this. I've discovered Danger Man only recently and fell for it immediately. The section "The Turning Point" is very interesting, because it's only natural to deduce that Number 6 is John Drake. See The Prisoner episode 16, Once Upon A Time, and at 45:18 you will hear Number 2 shouting something that sounds too much like "Why? Why, Drake?" Or in episode 13 of The Prisoner, in order to get the name of an Austrian city, Number 6 uses a decoding method that looks like the one Drake discovers as used by the Chinese spies in Danger Man's episode 32, The Actor.
Anyway, it really doesn't matter if Drake is Number 6 or not: I think that Mr McGoohan's message is that any decent and sensitive man working as a spy during the years of the cold war would have undoubtedly resigned, to protect his mental (and physical) health. The terrific way in which Drake's character develops throughout the series clearly shows this. And I can't think of any other actor that could have achieved this tremendous task better than Patrick McGoohan, whose on-stage personality once deeply impressed Orson Welles himself. Once again, thank you very much for your website!
Name: Gerry
Comment: What a great site. I've been a fan of Dangerman for years. It's wonderful that this site pays tribute to what I believe is the best TV show. Keep up the good work. Gerry
Name: Clay Marceaux
Comment: Three cheers to your effort! As a young lad I was inspired right from the outset with John Drake and Patrick Magoohan. Have always found Danger Man AT LEAST as important a series as The Prisoner and right up there with The Avengers as the crown jewels of 60's british cult TV. I predict this is only the beginning and that a new wave of appreciation for this program is about to become apparent. May this project thrive.
Name: Wiggins Pete Wiggins
Comment: Well what can i say, nice very nice, could never see the attraction in dangerman before, but now you have put the work in on your site i can see why you like the show so much. Didn't realise they made it in colour though? From what you had told me i thought it was only in black and white, Still think the scarecrow was pretty cool all the same. Nice to see my old mate James gets a mention on your site, you never know i could add a link from oo7web if you like? Next time you visit you will have to bring an episode or two and we will watch it. Pete
Name: Tommacfearsom
Comment: Hello Nice site. I notice you say that The Jolly Roger is a fav episode. You might enjoy comparing it to Danger Man's first season episode called The Actor. In this episode John Drake poses as an out of work actor to infiltrate a radio station that is using a code to broadcast western secrets to China.
Name: Duncan Massey
Comment: Great to see the site back up. Don't know if you were aware, but a few years back Patsy Ann Noble (Australian singer/actor) was featured on Oz version of This is Your Life along with a clip of her as the good girl in Not So Jolly Roger. Looking forward to 11 November when Madman Australia bring out their Danger Man 1964-66 set
Name: ernie bradshaw
Comment: great series...great acting and great scripts...what more can I say!!

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